Thursday, May 16, 2013

Where is Josh?

Ahhh in recent years this question has become the theme to my summers...

People are constantly asking about where Josh is. I realize it's not a ridiculous question since it probably IS kind of odd that I'm on my own so much from April to September...and he's wonderful, so of course people miss him when he's not around. :) But I'd be lying if I didn't say that having to answer, "he's working," (with a smile on my face) doesn't get old.

We're in the midst of the fourth BLC mowing season as a married, business-owning couple. I learned very early in our marriage that trying to force Josh into attending everything and being everywhere during the summer, was NOT going to work. Unless we're in a drought or it's raining...he pretty much works six days a week for 12 hours a day, (sometimes more, sometimes a little less) from March/April until October/November. Things are obviously slower during the early spring and late fall, which is when he's actually able to enjoy his work.

WHY would I be mad at my husband for missing out on things, when the reason he's working so hard is to grow a successful business so we're able to give generously and live comfortably?

WHY would I be annoyed about something that is actually a huge blessing? I know a lot of girls who struggle with husbands who are passive, unmotivated, and even lazy. I, on the other hand, have been blessed with a husband who is driven, goal-oriented, and passionate about working harder than anyone I know so he can provide for his wife and future family.

In the summer my jobs consist of the following: making sure Josh's clothes are clean and laying them out; grocery shopping for certain things he needs for lunch; making his lunch and filling his water bottles; making sure family and friends don't stress him out; organizing his emails; cleaning his bathroom; buying aloe vera, sunscreen, bug spray, and anything else he requests; cleaning out his truck at the end of the night; ordering work shirts, buying other work clothes, and handling some minimal BLC marketing.

My reaction to these tasks the first summer we were married was: "Umm, seriously do it yourself."

Which got me nowhere fast. ;)

I'll admit I'm not always great at all of these things...and I fail weekly. But I like to think I've made leaps and bounds in the area of serving my husband while he works hard. Even when he's so stressed he's driving me nuts...I still go to the store to make sure he has Sour Patch Kids at the end of his day, as requested.

-BLC Marketing Coordinator


  1. I get this request a lot during the livestock judging season which lasts late August/early September - mid November, and end of December through mid-March. It does get a little old trying to focus on the "good" - that we have hard-working husbands who are doing things they really enjoy when so many others don't.

    Now that I've typed that, I see how thankful I should be. Thanks for the avenue to conviction, Mollie. :) I miss our little coffee talks!

    OH! Ask Josh how often, how long, and what time of day he thinks we should water our little patch of grass down here in Tucson. I'd like it to live, but spend $300 for the summer. :) [That post totally reminded me of myself and the desire to spend as little money as possible and still have nice things.]

    But seriously, I would like his opinion. When he has time...which will probably October 7.

    1. Sorry I forgot to reply to this! Josh says watering at dusk is always the best time. When people water their grass in the morning the water never has a chance to sink in because the sun dries it all up before it has a chance to. And water it more than you think it needs. :)
