Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy NOT a Mother's Day {to me}!

Three generations of Sargent/Keil/Boersma girlies. Happy Mother's Day!

You all probably already know this, but Josh and I have been obsessed with the show How I Met Your Mother since February 2011. We own all the seasons and watch them over, and over, and over again. It's pretty standard in our house between the hours of 9 and 11pm. At Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, we make sure to watch the specific seasonal episodes. Sorry we're not sorry.

Okay, not the point of this post...the point was that there's an episode called NOT a Father's Day where Barney celebrates not being a father. He gets shirts and hats and cards printed to say, 'Happy NOT a Father's Day!' and hands them out to all his friends at MacClaren's.

For some reason...that episode has been in my head ALL day. 

On New Year's Eve this year, no one knew what to toast to for our second drink, and the first thing that came to MY mind was,"'I'm so glad I'm not a mom yet!" and we all cheered and laughed and toasted to that.

The truth is...if we were parents, road-tripping to Prairie DuChien for a ridiculous getaway with friends would probably not have happened. And in that moment, I was thankful that Josh and I were young, childless, and having a blast with friends we love. 

So we've been married for three seems like everyone we know is having babies...I'm probably asked, on average, two times a week about when we're having kids. My answer used to be, "I'd like new furniture before we have kids."

Then I got new furniture in January. Hmmm...

Now my answer is, "Josh and I want a hot tub." Which is actually totally true! It also makes people laugh, and then the subject is dropped without me having to answer seriously. Perfect.

Bringing a child into this world is a really big deal people...and it's not something we're just going to choose to do on a whim. Partly because we're having too much fun in the meantime, and partly because we have goals about what we'd like our lives to look like before we have babies. Josh would like BLC to be in a better place; we want our current home to become an investment property so we can live on an acreage somewhere between Ames and Ankeny; and we'd like to take some trips with friends and each other before our lives cease to exist as we know it. 

I know children are a gift from God...they are wonderful...and when and if God chooses to bless us with children we will be thrilled. If God had wanted us to have a two-year-old right now...we would have one! It kills me when people have opinions about us waiting 3, 4, 5, 6 years to have babies, when God could give us a baby at any time, despite our best efforts to avoid it. :) And He hasn't. And we're totes okay with that.

Which means...our dream of a hot tub is still alive! 


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