Wednesday, May 8, 2013


How do you feel about the title of this blog on a new pair of license plates? Totes adorbs, right?

So today I'd like to talk a little about Boersma Lawn Care. These are just some scenarios that come to mind that I'd like to share. {Disclaimer: I am not referring to one specific customer here...these situations literally happen again and again, season after season}

{Scenario 1}

Customer calls Josh. Customer wants to have an amazing, weed-free grass that's perfect for kiddos to play in. No dead spots, just thick, dandelion-less grass.

Okay, sure...Josh can do that. For about $2,000.

Woah woah, says customer...they're only interested in spending about $300 this summer...but they would still like those results.

Repeat this scenario 47 times throughout the mowing season.

{Scenario 2}

Customer calls Josh. Customer wants grass to grow in all the dead spots in their yard. Okay Josh says...he can aerate and lay seed in the spring and again in the fall for the best results over time. Kids and pets will need to stay off the grass while it's growing, and it will need to be watered consistently.

But customer wants grass in less than one month so they can enjoy it for the summer.

Josh says he can get sod and lay that in the dead spots. For about $2000.

No, no, no...customer doesn't want to do that. They were thinking they only wanted to spend about $300.

{Scenario 3}

Angry customer calls Josh and wants to know why their lawn doesn't look like they wanted it to. Customer paid for two chemical applications and their grass isn't doing anything different.

Josh asks, have you been watering your grass? No, customer doesn't have time.

Josh asks, have you been mowing your grass too short? Yes, customer doesn't want to mow more than once  every two weeks.

Josh offers to treat the yard for the next three seasons and do everything to perfection to turn this yard will cost about $2000.

Customer says, never mind...they didn't want to spend that much. They really only wanted to spend about $300 per season.

These are just a few thoughts from the humble wife of a hard-working, ethical business owner who is trying to make it in a business that is over-saturated with unprofessional, immoral companies.

Woops, was that too much? My apologies. :)

-The BLC Princess

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