Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chevron Obsessed

Well folks, I wanted to share with you my very first attempt at painting chevron. I wouldn't say it was 100% successful...but for my sister's college apartment I think it looks pretty darn good!

I spotted this small coffee-table at a second-hand store in Nevada called Leftovers. It's the perfect place for finding old junk to experiment and craft with. What I love most about Leftovers (besides the fact that it was the brainchild of my boss who is awesome, Tami Hicks) is that ALL the proceeds are a freewill donation and 100% of the money goes toward sponsoring five kids in Africa. Nothing is priced and people are able to give whatever they are able or feel like giving...way fun, right?

Anyway...here's a picture of the table before, and after we painted it using two coats of high-gloss, black paint. If you know anything about me, you know I always keep a can on hand because I tend to bring junk into my house, then paint it black and call it classy furniture. Josh is always shocked at the junk I can disguise with a little black paint. ;)

Totally worked, right?!

Anyway, I made the mistake of telling Jamie we should do some sort of pattern on the top. Honestly, I sort of fizzled on the project and she was still obsessed with the chevron idea...so at 8pm during the tornado on Sunday night...we set to work.

The theme for most of my crafts and sewing and framing and scrapbooking is 'eyeball it.' This allows me to save a lot of time, but also contributes to me not always being thrilled with the results of my crafting labor. Whatever. I hate measuring.

So I made Jamie do it.

And in the end, we didn't even really use penciled measurements at all...we just taped and eyeballed the diagonals as we went along. We made sure the tape was sealed so touch-ups due to seeping paint would be minimal. Then Jamie painted three coats with some seafoam-color paint I had leftover from the walls in our bedroom...three coats was necessary in order to completely cover the black. This is what the process looked like:

Peeling the tape off that night was absolutely thrilling. We had NO idea it would turn out this well for our first try and now I sort of want to paint chevron on every single flat surface I can find.

I'll refrain.

You can see as we went along taping from right to left, we got a little better at eyeballing. :) Jamie has a couple little touch-ups to do here and there, and then we're going to seal the whole thing with a couple coats of spray polyethylene. You can kind of feel the difference in the surface because of the three extra coats of seafoam paint, so the the spray poly will help smooth that out a little. Here's a closer shot of the table, with one of the spots that really needs to be fixed:

-DIY Princesses, Mollie and Jamie

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