Friday, January 13, 2017

422 13th St Xmas House Tour FINALE: Master Bedroom

It's the moment you've all been waiting for! The day I finally finish our Christmas house tour (how did this take take eight days? Our house isn't even that big!)! I know you're all jumping up and down.

The big tree is still up in our house...last night Josh goes, "Can you imagine if we only had ONE tree in our house like most people do?!" It took seven Christmases folks, but my precious husband is fully on board with a tree being in every room. An idea he once thought to be completely crazy. #winning

As we do when it goes up on Thanksgiving every year, we've made plans to order pizza and watch Inglorious Bastard's on Sunday night (after we've officially had our last family Christmas) while undecorating the big tree. 15 days in...we might finally be ready to tackle our goals and plans for 2017. Haha.

I've worked pretty hard on our bedroom the past couple of months. It started with selling the unused elliptical followed by a semi-impulsive speed-trip to IKEA for a black dresser (because I was sick of Maverick having bigger and better storage in his room than we did). Then I painted my old beat-up dresser from college, swapped out the hardware, and repaired and hung an antique mirror I'd been meaning to get to forever. Back in August, my main goal was to have everything deep-cleaned, organized, and in place so I could fully enjoy our bedroom at Christmastime without it feeling stuffed and cluttery...and I like to think I achieved that.

A panorama shot of most of our room. Not huge, but oh-so-cozy. 
Originally I wanted to keep this room free of bright Christmas reds, but it's so hard for me to decorate without throwing a few pops of color in. I also needed to find a good spot for this red pillow. ;) 
I picked up some fresh flannel sheets at Wal-Mart before Christmas this year in a more neutral color so we can keep them on our bed through the winter if we want.
I'll tell you something...this cotton wreath looks amazing no matter where I put it. This is the fourth place it's been and it stays out 12-months of the year! I just added some berries and a sign when I stuck it to the french door in our room with a Command Hook.
Maybe it's because this is something I see in's not practical at all, but I like that it adds some color and interest to the foot of the bed. If you've been a house guest in the past three months, you will be happy to know all decorative trays have been removed and I just finished taking three decorative pillows off the guest bed. You're welcome, I guess.
There's the dresser I drove six-hours round-trip for...chatting with my sister-in-law almost every minute the whole way. ;) It was well worth it. The tree in here kind of evolved into what I call our "Everything Tree"...all of our special ornaments got mixed in with silver, brown, gold, and cotton. 
Switching pictures in frames around our house to Christmas is such an easy cheap thing to do. That truck picture is just one I found on Pinterest and printed, but it's one of my favorites!
Eventually I added a garland to the top of that mirror...the cotton in the corner is so perfect for adding height wherever I need it.
A little detail shot of our tree. Ignore the tag that I suddenly see poking out from a string of lights. I just wanted to show everything I used. Lights, thick gold ribbon, silver beads, hymnals, cotton, brown and silver ornaments, and then all of our special things as the finishing touch. 
I hope you enjoyed this (by now) very late tour of our house at Christmas. I'm off to make some homemade chicken noodle soup on this cold as (insert descriptive word of your choosing) day. ;) My aunt and cousin we never get to see are traveling our way for family Christmas this weekend and we get to spend tonight and tomorrow morning with them all to the Christmas music is BACK ON in the house today! :)

If you missed out on the tour it is:
Dining Room
Living Room
Maverick's Room
Guest Bedroom


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