Thursday, January 12, 2017

422 13th St House Xmas Tour: Guest BedLaundry Room

The first of our three bedrooms was up yesterday on the blog...and today I'm sharing our Guest Bedroom, which coincidentally, doubles as our laundry room. Aaand also functions as my sewing/crafting/wrapping/scrapbooking/spare closet room. I love getting creative with the limited space we have. This room works hard for us, but it does it so well.
You may have seen my status about 'accidentally painting our guest bedroom' amidst all the Christmas decorating. It's a long story, but one minute I was opening a can of paint for some touch-ups and the next minute I was brush painting an entire room without paint clothes on as fast as I could to beat the naptime clock. It took about three naptimes (an an annoying trip to Lowe's for more paint) to completely finish. And now it feels lighter and brighter...and fits the colors of the rest of the house better.
This is a cheap white shelf Josh threw up a few years ago with some L-brackets and I like adding garland in here at Christmas to make the laundry room feel a *little* more like a bedroom. The rest of the year it holds jars and baskets of laundry supplies.
I know these don't make any sense because people are always having to move them when they sleep in a bed at our house...but they're cute and they add Christmas cheer. So just, ok?
Josh took my desk out to the Man Cave and we moved this table from our farm into the laundry room instead. I love the look but I'm still trying to figure out a way for it to function as well as my desk did (since I no longer have drawers for storage). I like that I can flip the leaves up for more room to sew...but again...the storage thing. I'll report back with my findings once I can tackle this room again this spring.

This is the area on top of my metal shelving...It's just a bare spot that needed a little color. I threw these odds and ends up there and called it decor. 
Our rooms always evolve throughout the Christmas season...I added a plaid pillow and also a white body pillow to make this bed look bigger and fuller. And that brought the pillow count in here to 9. :S I can assure you we are simplifying significantly when I switch out the bedding. 

And because I always like to show you what our house looks like when it's lit up at night...
The last room in our house is up tomorrow...then Christmas will officially be over in my house AND in my heart. ;) I'm already enjoying the cleaner, fresher look we have here...uncluttering feels SO good. It also suddenly feels like we live in a mansion! 


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