Wednesday, January 11, 2017

422 13th St Xmas House Tour: Maverick's Room

Taking on a 'boy' room when we found out Maverick was a Maverick was a little daunting. No pink. No princesses. No glitter. Completely foreign for me. But I have to say, it's ties the living room for the title of  my 'favorite' in this house...especially at Christmastime.

I stick to neutrals in here too, which makes swapping out seasonal decor and rotating different signs Maverick has pretty simple. This Christmas I decided to throw in some red because I'm a complete sucker for buffalo plaid. But you already knew that. Maverick even got buffalo plaid flannel sheets (justified by the decision to keep him in his crib until he's 3 ;) because of my plaid addiction.

Daddy was given TWO Charlie Brown trees last year and I love the tiny pop of red on each side of the dresser.
Yes, that IS a coon skin cap for a tree topper. #boymom
This is literally just a picture of the sheets, but how great are they?! Not bad for $17.
That's 'The Night Before Christmas' written in cursive on the chalk door. Jamie was initially excited to help me with this, but didn't realize how LONG that poem actually is. I let her quit early because her lunch break was up, but that empty rectangle bugged me all season. ;)
Maverick "helping" decorate.
We even managed to accomplish a few projects during the holiday season. Josh's handyman list tends to spiral out of control during the ten months of the year he's working nonstop. Here's Maverick "helping" with some of that too.
And because we prefer to add to Maverick's book collection vs. his toy collection...this is what we ended up with at the end of the year! We have exactly 25...and thanks to an idea my sister-in-law told me about...I plan to wrap each book so Mav can open one every night before bed during the 25 days of Christmas next year. Based on our experience this year, he won't care about 24/25 because he only wants us to read 'Goodnight Manger' on repeat every. single. night.
We only made it through about 30 minutes of the each of the classics (Elf, Grinch, Peanuts, Home Alone, Rudolph, Frozen, Polar Express) with Maverick...we hit 'pause,' did the bedtime routine, and came back out to the living room to finish watching them it all worked out. ;)
And fitting with the woodland theme I have going on in here...a reindeer sign for the door. ;)
Only two rooms left to go in our Christmas House Tour! And as we speak the only part of Christmas that remains are the sheets on the guest bed and the big tree. It's sad but I think I'm starting to cope a little better. A fresh, clean, uncluttered house tends to do that for me.


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