Friday, July 24, 2015

Top 10 Things I Learned at Mary Jo's

Looooong before I had a blog I composed this little list that had been banging around in my head and causing random fits of laughter that no one around me understood...because not everyone had the privilege of going to Mary Jo's. I believe I wrote this in my dorm room on my pink laptop sometime during my sophomore year of college.

I find it especially funny when I implement Mary Jo sayings into my now adult-and-soon-to-be-mom-life. Like two nights ago when Henley got bumped off the small mower trailer, fell in the grass, and cried like she'd lost an arm but was really just scared...I'm not sure if I said it out loud or not, but I know I thought to myself, 'Ehh there's no blood, she's fine.' But to be totally honest, I've been saying, 'No blood? Go play, 'in various situations at various jobs since about the age of 10.

This list was brought back to mind when we got a shower gift from Kruse's and the card mentioned, 'Never forget the Top 10 Things You Learned at Mary Jo's!' And I thought...heck yes that was an excellent list and easy blog content since it's already written. So here they are everyone.

10. If you're not bleeding, go play (perhaps the most important rule I learned)

9. You must always finish the coloring page or the game you started (which is why to this DAY we finish every Christmas coloring book page fully, from front to back, before we start a new book)

8. If you take something, you have to eat it (even if its pumpkin pie you THOUGHT you wanted but then you realized you're five and you hate pumpkin pie and you keep it hidden in your mouth for all of naptime...perhaps the reason I despise pumpkin pie)

7. Only the big kid's with bikes get to ride down the street with Jon and TJ and Maison and play in the flood water and make forts

6. Family room tent building is an art form

5. If you bring a toy to play with for the day, you WILL share it with everyone

4. Land Before Time 1, 2, 3, 4 (however many there are now? 13?) and Space Jam are THE BEST MOVIES EVER (we watched Space Jam a couple months ago and still 100% agree with this statement)

3. Only the big kids are allowed to ride bikes to the pool during nap time (but come home during the third rest period), play on the air hockey table, and use the computer to play Frogger (do you know how much I miss playing Frogger?!)

2. If you're not extra careful when riding the Big Wheels in the driveway, you could accidentially ride into Brad's truck and lose a fingernail (ask Jamie for details on this incident)

1. If you throw up macaroni and cheese from lunch in Mary Jo's brown recliner downstairs, you probably shouldn't lie about it, but if you do lie about, make sure you tell her about it 15 years later instead (after this throw-up incident, I actually felt a lot better...and did NOT want to miss swim time with the other little kids in the blue pool on the deck so I just lied and said it wasn't me, put on my suit and joined everyone...I still remember a stray macaroni somehow floating in the little pool water and Mary Jo demanding that we tell her who was sick and I kept looking down at that macaroni thinking how much trouble I would be in for ruining that I came clean about it a few years ago at a track meet, and my conscience has been much clearer since)


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