Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Room Reveal: Maverick's Closet

Who decorates a closet? Crazy people, that's who. And I'll admit to being one of them.

Lest you think I'm the ONLY person this crazy, ask my sister-in-law how she feels about closets. She'll tell you she was at one time researching vintage floral wallpaper for Henley's CLOSET. That's right...we were actually contemplating killing ourselves wallpapering a three-year-old's closet so we could kill ourselves again in 10 years when we decided we were complete idiots in 2014 WALLPAPERING a CLOSET.

Except, even to this day...I think some adorable rose and gold vintage wallpaper in her closet sounds like a dream. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

I didn't do anything quite that drastic, but I would say this closet is definitely decorated. I'm a classic first-time mom. Just whatever about it.

It's hard to take good pictures of a closet.  But here it is in all its organized glory.

The cube storage shelf came from Target for $39.99. The wire milk crates were all gifts from showers and are so great for keeping things separated. I have all the extra bath stuff in one, spare sheets in another, and the big one at the top holds the many cozy blankies, quilts, and swaddling blankets we've gotten as gifts. 

Now you see I'm passing a genetic disorder to my son...we both seem to have a shoe problem (these are just the ones I've collected in sizes 2+!). BUT in my defense, these have all either been consignment finds or gifts. ;) 

The diaper bag came from Amazon after much research and based on the fact that my sister-in-law went through two other versions of fairly expensive diaper bags before finally biting the bullet and getting an amazing Coach I decided I would START with an amazing Coach one and call it good. I think it's a 'thing' for some women to be given gifts after having a baby, but since that's not really how Josh and I classic Mollie-fashion, I bought my own 'push-present' six months in advance. And it's that drop-dead-amazing leopard Coach diaper bag.

This was one of those Amazon finds that was too adorable to pass up. This huge canvas bin was only $19.99 and it's what I plan to use for dirty clothes/linens. So even though it's a more permanent raccoon fixture in the room (because it cost some money as opposed to the pictures around the room I scored for free) I can see it easily being utilized down the road for toy storage in a toy room, blanket storage in a family room, etc. This line comes in a ton of different colors/animals so I could even find a matching one for boy or girl sibling someday.

The galvanized bin underneath was a gift and currently houses my stash of newborn and size 1 diapers. I started with a small package of newborns since Josh was a little twerp and have been given a couple boxes of size 1's. So this is my easy-to-reach spot when I need to restock the supply in the dresser.

On the tippy-top shelf in the closet I have two old drawers (that came from an old  beat-up dresser in our farmhouse), each labeled and ready for size 2 and 3 diapers. You would probably be shocked at the amount of size 2 diapers I already have (thanks to a growing nephew ;) The opposite side of the paper has labels for size 4 and 5 diapers when the time comes to move up sizes and switch things around (I wanted to make these kinds of things as easy as possible on future-Mollie). Because the highest shelf in a closet is always kind of annoying and a waste of space if not used correctly, I wanted to make sure I jam-packed this closet with all the adorable, organized, storage I could since we cannot afford to pass up ANY of the storage we have in this house. So this seemed like the best way to utilize that space.

I'll be honest. These drawers are big. And this third drawer is where I plan to throw things from the room that I have no idea what to do with...I just want stuff 'hidden' if company is coming over. It's true, I even have a system for the UN-organization that sometimes happens in our house. I also think this will be a good place to throw 'too small' clothes before they're ready to be organized and sent to basement storage. And if it's going to be an unorganized drawer, at least it has an organized label. ;)

Ask me how many times I can use the word organized in a single blog post?

I read a tutorial on these labeled closet dividers YEARS ago and filed it away in the 'Future Baby' section of my brain because I thought it looked like an awesome idea. Turns out, it is. Organizing baby clothes is kind of the worst because brands and sizes are all over the place! I once read (from the same blogger I got the tutorial from), 'Baby clothes will drive you crazy if you let them.' So it's become my goal to NOT let them drive me crazy. And these labels were so cute and are so easy...again probably only something an obsessive first-time-mom will have time for but darnit...the barnwood paper. I just swoon over this barnwood paper.

These labels took me one Devil Wears Prada-watching and cost about $10 total. Plus I had paper leftover to make labels for other things in the closet! The tutorial came from Oakland Avenue Blog and I linked it here.

Here are those dividers in action all the way up to 24 months. I also wanted to point out how lovely Command Hooks can be inside a closet. For years I never utilized the sides and the corners of our closets But then I started Command-Hooking every surface inside our closets and I can use and display SO MUCH MORE STUFF. Ie: Two of Maverick's hats (yes, the Nike one was an impulse, unnecessary buy from Marshall's for $7.99 BUT JOSH GOES TO WORK EVERY DAY IN THE SAME HAT AND I COULDN'T NOT BUY IT).

The same thing is happening over here for right now with one of the pieces to our baby bath tub. It hangs up really nice right inside here, but I know I'll have to come up with another creative solution when it's actually wet from being used.

And yes, I shamelessly tucked another raccoon picture inside the closet as a little hidden-woodland surprise for anyone who peeks in. He came on a brochure with the canvas bin and I just couldn't throw him away (which is something you will RARELY hear me say)! So he lives inside the closet now. ;)

Maybe once I've had my dresser-drawers in use for a few weeks I'll post about how I organized them. For now I'm not married to the way they're arranged because I'm not sure if that's how I will keep them once we have a real live baby. Let me just say, those smaller, top four drawers are INCREDIBLE for this room to corral and divide all the different categories of 'stuff' babies seems to 'come with.' I would highly recommend going the 8-drawer route vs. the more popular four-drawer route. Anyway...more thoughts on that to come.

In other news. My AMAZING CO-WORKERS AT CENTURY 21 THREW ME A SHOWER TODAY AND IT WAS JUST...SO WONDERFUL. Pictures from all three of my showers to come (I've really been off of my game posting about probably makes me seem really ungrateful but I swear I'll post about them soon!).


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