Friday, May 29, 2015

Obsessed with Josh Boersma...and Birthday's in General

Josh turned 27 this week!

I don't *think* I need to tell everyone how much I love birthday's. On Monday I wished Josh 'Happy Birthday Eve!' no less than 10 times. At 6:30am on Tuesday when I peeked outside to see how wet it was, I came back to bed and wished him a Happy Birthday before he was even conscious.

Before I got married, I had no idea it would be possible to love someone else's birthday as much as I love my own (and Erryn's)...but wow. I really love Josh's birthday. Borderline obsessed. I might even love it more than I love my own...wait what am I saying..........................................

I've done a good job of demanding the birthday specials everywhere we go this week. ;)
The celebrating began over the weekend since it was rainy and windy and he wasn't really able to work on Memorial Day. So I've had some fun spoiling him with some of his favorite things...grilling steaks and burgers; a non-stop supply of chips and salsa; a present from Jamie that included Sour Patch Kids, Monster and beef jerky; cards in the mail from my G'ma and parents...he went on a shopping spree after church on Sunday at Thiessen's where he restocked his explosives supply. And on Monday night he finally took some time to hang up the hammock he got from his parents at Christmas (before it down-poured) and then we watched Transformers.

His adorable face has even taken over my Instagram, that's how Josh + Birthday obsessed I am.

Remember my post about Josh's outfit choices? The blue shorts are still in his wardrobe and GOING STRONG.

On Tuesday he got to sleep in and enjoy his birthday FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FIVE+ YEARS. He was served brunch in bed and I presented him with his birthday to the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad Dinner Train. ;) Since he couldn't work much due to all the rain we've been getting, he was even able to come to my ultrasound appointment! I don't make a big deal out of him skipping my doctor appointments because they're sort of a waste of time (he's lucked out BIG time and I haven't required his presence at a single one!), but it was fun he got to see Maverick wiggle around on his birthday. ;) This marked my SEVENTH ultrasound, making Maverick one of the most photographed babies in history, I'm sure.

They like ultrasounds at Informed Choices. ;)
Josh has also been dying to see Mad Max, so off he went for the afternoon to go see it with Caleb. I picked up his 'birthday cake' aka a pre-made French Silk Pie from Perkins...and the celebrating continued with drinks at CafĂ© B and Papa John's in the hot tub. He also got these super cool freezable 'whiskey pucks' from Jamie's boyfriend Franky so his drinks don't melt and get watery while we're in the hot tub! :)

These two look like absolute creeps in this picture. I think that's why I like it so much.
He worked about 24 hours in two days on Wednesday and Thursday but even that didn't stop me from continuing the magic that is BIRTHDAY WEEK. Oh no. He requested Fighting Burrito on Wednesday night (Sure we can do that! It's birthday week!) and he had a gift card to Applebee's burning a hole in his pocket, so we turned last night into another fun date night! Thanks mom and dad! When his parents get back to town I have plans for us to eat at The Night Hawk in Slater (a random small-town bar and grill I discovered in my travels) and on June 5th we'll get all fancy and ride the dinner train...heck...I'm probably going to be able to keep this birthday thing going strong for TWO WEEKS if I'm lucky! YAYAYAYAY!

We haven't made it to London Underground yet this week (this is our McLaren's Pub for those of you who understand that HIMYM reference) but I'm thinking tonight might be the perfect night since there's more rain coming, and guess who can't spray chemicals in the rain??? ^^^This guy.^^^
I've heard some women say they can't stand their husbands when they're pregnant, which I guess I can understand (hormones blah blah blah). But that has not been the case for us. I'm just obsessed with Josh. He's adorable and cuddly and I want to kiss his face and squeeze him every minute of every day. GAAHHHHHHHHHHH!

So Happy Birthday, Josh Boersma. You are just the sweetest, sweetest gift God could have ever given me and I don't even understand why I was given the privilege of living this blessed, wonderful, married life with you. You're a handsome, driven, hard-working, intense, smart, passionate, adorable husband and I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world to be stuck with you forever.


In case you missed some of Josh's Glitter and Grass Greatest they are again for your reading pleasure:

WAR! A composition by Josh Boersma, 6th grade
Josh Boersma's Fashion Evolution
Josh Boersma's Fashion Evolution: Continued
10 Things I Hate About You: Josh Edition
10 Things I Hate About You: Mollie Edition

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