Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Summer Lovin'

Because I'm feeling pretty down-and-out today about the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act...I'm going to focus on happy things. Like 30 of the best random things I love about summer.

1. Beach towels drying on the deck.

2. Wearing my swimsuit under my clothes.

3. Watering flowers every night.

4. Going on walks with Jamie.

5. Grilling.

6. Tubing down a river (haven't done this yet, but it's on the sched for Saturday).

7. Cheer camp.

8. Weddingssssss.

9. Lazy rivering at the pool for hours.

10. Feeling motivated to work on house projects.

11. Boating at Saylorville with the Boersma's.

12. Flip flops.

13. Laying out at the pool.

14. Walking on the deck or driveway barefoot.

15. Real estate is crazy so I stay busy at work.

16. Garage sales.

17. Hydrangeas and peonies blooming.

18. Being tan.

19. Sparklers.

20. Rainy days watching movies and taking naps with Josh.

21. Painting projects in the garage.

22. Blonder, natural, summer hair.

23. Thunderstorms.

24. Being a pool rat at the age of 24.

25. Green grass.

26. Seeing my niece in swimwear. Adorbs.

27. Loooong days.

28. Watching Field of Dreams 27 times per summer with Josh.

29. Reading on the deck.

30. Did I say being at the pool?

Because I just. love. the. pool. I wish it was socially acceptable for a 24-year-old to spend 8 hours a day at the pool for the entire summer without being a mom or a nanny or a lifeguard...but it's not.

And my heart is breaking because all I want to do it HOSE A FREAKING BATHROOM AND YELL AT A KID FOR RUNNING.

I might have to resurrect my pool managing/lifeguarding career at some point. I don't know how much longer I can survive.


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