Wednesday, June 12, 2013



1. You have a man living in your basement?!

Yes. Yes we do. And let me tell you something.

It's by far THE BEST FINANCIAL DECISION WE EVER MADE. This mysterious man who lives in our basement 'came with the house' and pays us $550 in rent each month. And I'm not kidding...he literally came with the house. We bought it, and he was happy to continue renting. And we were more than happy to have someone paying half our mortgage payment for us. 

2. Is that so weird?!

I'm being 100% honest.

Not. At. All. 

Occasionally his parking interferes with our entertaining, but we figure he's paying to park there, and our lovely friends are not. So sometimes people have to park in the church parking lot across the street. #firstworldprobs. He works nights, so he's home during the day when we aren't and vice versa. It really couldn't be more perfect.

3. Can he come up into your house?!

It's easy to miss, but the steps leading down to the basement go right under the door to our side entry. The basement entrance is completely separate from our house. I suppose he can get into our house just as easy as any of the rest of you can, since knocking and ringing the doorbell is somewhat of a rarity at 422 13th St.

4. There was a hot tub in your dining room?

Ugh. By far, my least favorite thing about our house. The flooring is atrocious. It's atrocious because the man who lived in our house 15 years ago decided it would be a great idea to put some nice tile down, and plunk a giant hot tub in the dining room. Yes the dining room. Apparently putting it in the backyard made too much sense.

Most people have a light above their dining table...we have a fan vent.

Most people have a light switch in their dining room. We have a fan timer.

Most people have flooring that is cohesive with the rest of their house. We have special tile in a perfect square where the hot tub was. That means in one common space, we have FOUR different kinds of flooring. This haunts my mind daily as I covet people who don't have carpet in their kitchen (that's right folks, this man took time to put nice tile under his hot tub, but left his kitchen CARPETED), so along with my annoyance, I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous this is. 

Josh doesn't get annoyed with our floor because if I weren't around, there would have already been a hot tub in the dining room for the past three years. So I suppose I should be thankful that's not the case. Josh also takes after his G'ma Junice, and thinks that having carpet in the kitchen is a nice, luxurious amenity.

It's definitely not. :)

5. You have a trampoline in your front yard?

Would you have expected anything less from Josh Boersma? Seriously, people.

That trampoline resided at Josh's parents house for many years, but as it turns out, the only people who really jumped on it were Josh and his renegade friends. So Josh hauled it to The Lodge, where he lived during college and it served as an excellent backyard activity. Until PPM (the property management company) told the boys it was a liability and they had to take it down. I guess getting a running start from the house and jumping off the 2nd story deck wasn't allowed. Now it has found it's permanent home in our front yard and friends and our younger visitors enjoy it often.

Sometimes if Josh is done getting ready for a date or church a little early, I find him out there jumping by himself until I'm ready to go. 

And then I watch him for two minutes from the kitchen window and die laughing because he's adorable and because at times, I'm married to a 25-year-old man who runs his own business, but other times, I'm married to a 5th grade version of Josh Boersma who likes to eat Sour Patch Kid's, watch Indiana Jones, and talk about re-building his mini-bike.

Shoot. Now I miss him. And he won't be home until 10pm. 

I guess I better go craft something.

-Mrs. B

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