Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sewing for Dummies.

Many people know that I like to capitalize on things I know I do well. Examples: cheerleading, organizing, cleaning, wedding dances...

...I've added 'sewing-in-straight-lines-and-that-is-IT' to this list. 

This new talent means I can sew blankets, pillows, table runners, and now...CURTAINS!

A few weeks ago Josh said to me, 'Wow. You've really hit this sewing thing hard.' 

To which I replied, 'Blame your mother.' :)

Yes yes, Patti Boersma taught me how to sew last winter. And it's a good thing she also lives by the 'eyeball it' motto because it makes sewing projects pretty stress-free. However, this motto of ours may or may not have led to us buying two yards of too much fabric for my chair-covering project. Oops?

Here are some of the sewing projects I've accomplished (with much help) since learning to sew:

I sewed these cute curtains for my mom's new dark gray laundry room. I literally just hemmed three sides, and then sewed the fourth side with a big hem for the curtain rod to fit through. Ta da! 

My mom was nervous all morning that we weren't doing very much measuring. From what I hear, sewing with G'ma Rose was very stressful because everything had to be measured and cut to perfection. 

I don't measure woman! 

She'll learn.

As it turns out...I can only sew one 'style' of curtain. So here it is again. Very basic. Very straight. But nice and simple, and that's what I was going for in my new gray kitchen. My dining room has a big, open window without a curtain rod, so I hemmed a long piece of fabric and attached little ribbon loops to hang on the hooks (eyeballed it). I used every. last. scrap. of this fabric because I'm in love with I even pieced together a little runner for the center of my island.

This chair sat in the garage for about two years. It was waiting to be sanded and primed and then spray painted. Again, Josh said I was crazy because, 'That chair has so many moving parts and you bought that thing and it's never going to get done.'

O ye of little faith.

I can't explain how this happened because Patti did most of the work, and I was just there for moral support. We basically drew around the existing cushions to make the pattern, and then sewed the covers. We attached the cushions to the chair with some gray ribbon and took care of the straight sewing by adding a throw pillow.

Here I'd like to feature some of my best 'straight-sewing'...I went on a pillow-making spree one afternoon and Josh wasn't sure if I was ever going to stop. I did eventually, but only after I had made new cases for 8 of our pillows. And these were just made from all the scraps and leftover fabric I had!

This was probably our most-involved sewing project. For this one I assembled all the forces in the Boersma sewing clan and Patti, Jill and I made a day of it (literally an entire day...I think we started at 9am, and I didn't get home until like 10pm...). This is pretty much just one GIANT pillow case, with our duvet in between, held in there with buttons. 

I love it love it so so much. It's exactly what I was envisioning for our room. We have a Queen-sized bed with a King-sized duvet, so this freaking thing was a monster to sew by the end of the was a good thing I had experts assisting me it was a good thing Patti and Jill were there to do everything. 


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