Tuesday, July 2, 2013

oh.em.gee. weekend re-cap

We are coming down from one heckuva weekend at the Boersma household.

We kicked off the weekend on Friday night catching up with our friend Ben who moved to Peoria last year and broke our hearts. It was so fun to have him back and we spent some time on the deck chatting and then moved to the kitchen to polish off a 20" smotherella from Jeff's Pizza and talk some more. Josh's brother, Caleb, and my sister were also around for the night so we had fun hanging out. We ended the night with Ben stating, "I just don't do this kind of stuff with people in Peoria."

It was just like old times. :)

Getting up on Saturday and trying to look like a put-together cheer coach proved to be somewhat challenging as I had to be at the school for a pre-camp practice by 9:30...and we were up suuuper late. Good thing 'cheer hair' turns out better when I DON'T shower. ;) It was a fun morning and good to get back in the 'cheer groove' to be prepared for camp in a couple weeks! 

I came home to a house full of peeps ready to take off and tube down the river. Henry, Karissa, Laura, Winston, Ben, and I all piled in to the vehicles with our tubes, towels, and Straw-ber-ita and headed for the Skunk River.

So. Much. Fun.

I normally try my hardest to stay away from natural bodies of water, but this was seriously fun. Despite the fact that it wasn't super hot on Saturday, it was a great time. There was only one time when my heart stopped a little because Winston was out of his tube directing us from a branch and found out he couldn't touch.

{Disclaimer: I have only been trained to save people from chlorinated, clear, still pools where I can backboard someone near a gutter, an AED, and a phone to call 911. I'm fairly sure if something would have happened in this river, response-time would have been, like, hours.}

To top it off, Ben and Henry said going down 'the two-foot tall dam' was fun and totally safe. Sooo in order to be able to go home and tell Josh that I went over a dam in a river in my tube, I went along for the ride while Laura, Karissa, and Winston got off before the 'Danger: Dam' signs. 

Over the dam I went, and just when I started to think, "Hey that was fun!" the current came up and flipped me right over. The head-neck-back injury section of my lifeguard manual flashed before my eyes and the last thing I saw before flipping over was a lovely woman in jeans and a sports bra, smoking and fishing with her boyfriend coming toward me because she was concerned...So glad this wasn't how my life ended. We were all totally fine except we hurt our feet a little and Ben hit his legs on a metal bar under the water.

I got home and told Josh that I probably wouldn't have gone down the dam if we didn't have Life Insurance or had children. And since we do and we don't yet...I figured it was fine. :)

Everyone gathered at our house for a fun night of grilling, chatting, laughing, and getting free-adjustments from our favorite medicine-man, Winston. He didn't have his official table, but made the floor and pillows work for adjustments. The night ended with Pitch Perfect because half the crowd voted for that, and half the crowd voted for HotRod.

Sunday included church and then Ben's virgin trip to Red Lobster with all our friends, a nap, and then a date-night when Josh got home from working. We went to Old Chicago, then on a walk, and finished the night catching up with Nikki, Kate, and watching The Proposal.

Has there ever been a more perfect summer weekend?

Hope you're all gearing up for a wonderful long-weekend away from work and have fun festivities planned for the 4th of July! :)


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