Friday, March 20, 2015

Worst End of Winter Wife Ever


Josh and I live for the fall and winter months. We love the time off from BLC at Christmas; taking mini-trips here and there; and just having a relaxing few months where we can spend time together hanging out on the couch. But I'm telling is time for all that 'hangin' to come to an end. WE NEED WINTER TO COME TO AN END.

All these super late nights with the movie-watching and the chips-and-salsa-eating. It just needs to stop. We're going to be parents for crying out loud. What kind of parents spend a Tuesday night grilling steak and then sit in the hot tub until 11:00 pm? NOT REAL ONES. I'LL TELL YOU THAT.

I'm practically begging the grass to start growing so Josh Boersma stops following me around the house like a puppy when he's bored while I'm trying to clean the bathrooms or sew curtains. I'll all but push him out the door tomorrow morning because SEE YA LATER WINTER, YOU'RE THE WORST. I have some sort of structure with my 'real job' at C21 and then AHS Cheer filling my schedule during the winter months...but I can't always account for what the BLC CEO spends his winter days doing...unless of course it's a blizzard and he's awake for 57 hours straight plowing snow. In which case he kind of gets a 'free pass' to spend the winter however he desires.

The unspoken rule in our house has sort of always been that Josh makes All The Money in the spring and summer...meaning if he wants to stay up late watching Breaking Bad or on the phone with his Navy buddy's fine because...well...he works hard enough in eight months to support our lives for the entire year..which is actually kind of crazy but it's what works for us. (I've become, like, the chillest, coolest, most laid-back wife ever in this area. It's one of my greatest successes in life) The schedule isn't so bad, right? OKAY FINE in the spring I sing a completely different tune than I do in the fall and just whatever about it.

But I desperately need The Structure and The Schedule back in our lives. GIVE US ROUTINE, PLEASE JESUS. We need to go to bed at a reasonable hour and WAKE UP at a reasonable hour. I've been operating under the idea that, 'We can sleep-in/nap/cuddle at 3pm today because every parent I've ever talked to says, 'SLEEP NOW! YOU NEVER WILL AGAIN!' So that makes it fine, right?

Four straight months of this behavior has caught up with us. There was a week where we ate a variation of pizza (Papa John's, frozen, leftovers or otherwise) 5/7 nights. And the other two nights were likely mac'n'cheese. It's utterly ridiculous and we can not bring New Life into this frat house on 13th St. I fear for our future son's actual life if we don't get our crap THE FREAK together soon.

So as we stare down the barrel of Lawn Care Season 2015...I find myself actually excited to lay out Josh's clothes every night for his next day of work; keep his work laundry clean and organized; shop at Sam's Club for his special individually-packaged lunch items; get up early everyday to make his lunch and fill his water the beginning of the year I even make sure I go out to his truck and gather his receipts and garbage every night. It's fun for a while...March, April, and May BLC Wife is the Best Version of Wife Josh gets to see...and I need him to remember that in October when we've had a busy, stressful, yet profitable summer.

He does all the hard work, this is true, but I helped sort of? I made those lunches LIKE A BOSS and for at least a month I woke up early to see him off with a bagel and Monster (tea!) like an adorable business owner's wife should. I delivered donuts to Van Wall and dropped weed wackers and blowers off at the shop for repairs. The books have never been more organized than they are in the spring and then poor Patti is left to sort through my obscene QuickBooks messes in the fall...but we're not thinking about that now. Winter is over! It's springtime!

(In my defense, Josh knew when he married me he wasn't getting an accountant...because...MATH)

In reality, Josh spent the winter in meetings and on the phone and crunching numbers because HIS CEO BRAIN NEVER STOPS...but I need the Real Work to start, like yesterday, so I can get back to my real human life too. The house needs to be deep cleaned! Flowers need to be planted! Closets need to be organized! Furniture needs to be crafted/painted/distressed! And do you know what makes getting these things done really easy? Having a husband who works until 9pm, that's what. What other choice do I have than to be productive for ALL THE HOURS ALL OF THE DAYS? LAWN CARE SEASON HERE I COME!

So to all you wives who experience this same phenomenon...whether it's tax, planting/harvest, vacation, lawn care, real estate, golf, retail, or coaching seasons...embrace your Awesome while it lasts. SOLIDARITY fellow Seasonal Wives. I am ready take on spring with all the energy, motivation, excitement, and optimism of a much younger and naive me. WOO GRASS! WOO CHEMICALS! WOO AERATING! GO BOERSMA LAWN CARE!

And three months when I've had enough of the grass on the floor/counter/freezer/toilet/washer/dryer vent/sink...I'll force myself to refer back to this blog to squeeze out a few more drops of Pinterst, painting, project motivation and drag myself through the end of summer. Because...FALL IS COMING. And ***chills*** FALL IS SERIOUSLY THE BEST.


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