Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I'd like to take a moment...

...to brag about my husband.

No I was not put up to this. He didn't even get to read it before it was posted. So...SURPRISE! :)

Anyway, it dawned on me a few days ago when Tami asked, 'Hey, who do you guys use for an electrician?'

And I thought about it for a minute and realized...


And do you know why?

It's because Josh Boersma can literally do...everything.

It's not that we haven't had our fair share of homeowner issues. Leaking toilets, broken appliances, power surges, a moldy attic...but I'm not kidding when I tell you...there is so much more to this man than BLC.


Last fall Hot Spring Spas gave us a electrical box to wire out hot tub to our house. I sort of thought we were going to call an electrician to come out and get this done for us (isn't that what most people do?), but no. The night before our hot tub was set to arrive (nothing like waiting until the last minute *cough*cough*) Josh wired the whole thing in the dark with me holding a flashlight. And the next day when the hot tub arrived, was filled, and wired in...it actually. turned. on. I about died.

***Disclaimer: The hot tub issues from a few weeks back were not the result of this in-the-dark wiring, it was a bad motor or something, I don't know I was gone thank goodness***


After we bought the farm we realized the oven didn't work. I was not about to give renters a brand new beautiful stove, so instead we took our older-but-working stove to the farm. For whatever reason, when our stove (which worked perfectly, without problems for three and a half years) arrived at the farm kitchen, it wouldn't work. CLASSIC. Josh spent a few frustrating days and trips to the appliance store figuring it out...but that's the thing...he figured it out. And it's been working ever since.


There have been quite a few occasions where Josh calls his buddy Tommy and together they tackle the dryer in our basement, the washer upstairs, or cleaning out the appliances at the farm. And every time...they get it fixed. I just can't even believe.


Some of you may remember this, but last fall Josh roofed our house. No I literally mean...HE ROOFED OUR HOUSE. HIMSELF. Josh pulled together his BLC crew (and Kurt Fisher for a day) and they just learned on the spot how to be a roofing crew. I mean...the dumpster arrived, they tore the old shingles off, replaced the sheeting (look at me describing this like I know all about it), then laid those shingles...like it was no big deal.




Just this week, Josh went out and replaced a cracked light on his truck. He actually bought his truck with a couple cracked/broken lights because he knew he could just order a new light from Schaffer's and replace it himself. Most people would probably never buy this truck at all or demand it be fixed before purchasing. Not Josh Boersma.


Josh's dad is an accountant, so I am at a complete loss for how Josh acquired all these skills. When I ask how he knows how to do all of this stuff he just says, 'I spent a summer doing electrical stuff in Sheffield,' or 'In 6th grade I helped with construction at ACA,' or 'I helped Rob lay the tile in my parents' bathroom eight years ago,' or 'I YouTubed it and figured it out.'

And while Josh would laugh and tell you that he's, 'Not very good at a LOT of things.' I say he's REALLY GOOD AT EVERYTHING.

So I'll leave you with this. Although it took about four months and there were days that I wasn't sure if he was at home working on the floor or at home or preparing to file divorce papers (jokes!) this floor is done and it. is. gorgeous.

And even though Josh still doesn't think it was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears, I keep reminding him that when we are cleaning smashed fruit and vegetables off the slick TILE floor...instead of cleaning smashed food ground into crusty CARPET...he will eventually see it my way. ;)

***More pictures and info about this flooring process coming soon. Ignore the slight grout color difference, I was in the middle of sealing.***

So to recap...Josh's skills include, but are not limited to:

Appliance Repairs
Flooring Professional
Licensed Chemical Applicator
Business Owner
Heating and Cooling Repairs
Certified Backflow Specialist
Irrigation Professional
Hunter (of rodents in our backyard)
Small Machine/Engine Repairs
General Handyman
Lawn Care
Tree Removal

And his latest title...Dad. ;)

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