Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How I Plan to Rock Being a BOYMOM

We can check crib off the list! Thanks mom and dad! :)
And also, this cheetah Coach diaper to. die. I'm literally dead over it and want to fill it with diapers and start carrying it around now, THAT'S how fabulous it is.

It hasn't quite been quite a week since we found out we're having a boy. And in this past week I've thought about many things...but these, my friends, were the first five thoughts that crossed my mind last Thursday after I hung up the phone with the doctor's office. I'm just being honest.

"Oh my gosh it's a boy, what if he wants to wrestle in high school. I absolutely hate wrestling."

"I hate all boy clothes. Why does every onesie have something stupid written on it?! 'Mommy's Little Man' 'Daddy's Sports Star' 'Handsome Guy'...JUST NO."

"Boy room themes seem so cheesey...Sports? Unoriginal. Noah's Ark? Dated. Dr. Seuss? Overdone. And blue everything is just not going to work in my house."

"We can't name this child after anyone on Josh's side of the family...male names on that side are...interesting."

"I don't hunt/fish/shoot/camp/4-wheel...and I don't plan to learn. For any reason. Ever. Oh dear."

In just six days I have found ways to remedy all five of these initial fears. And here they are:

1. Josh also hates wrestling. We have agreed to subtly, yet heavily, encourage running, basketball, swimming, soccer...and PRAY TO JESUS OUR CHILD LIKES ANY SPORT BUT WRESTLING.

2. My trip to Target last week...oh wow. Jamie got a very annoyed-pregnant-sister phone call immediately upon my departure from my first boy-shopping excursion. And then...I discovered Baby Gap Outlet and all was right with the world. Bonus: Josh loves everything I've brought home!

3. Why do baby rooms have to have a theme anyway? Neutrals is what this Baby B is getting. This means lots and lots of gray. Our registry is a masterpiece of neutral clothes, gear, bedding, etc. I like gray. Josh tolerates gray and didn't have any better, no problems there.

"I need you to help me remember what kid books we need to register for." - Me
"Wild at Heart, baby edition." -Josh
So we compromised (since that book doesn't exist) and this is a print that is going up in B's room...neutral, modern, perfect.

4. Name is chosen! It's been in the works for years, specifically since October of 2009 (there's your hint). I like it. Josh said he likes it as long as I'm sure I like it. So a win there too.

5. This child's father is Josh Boersma and I'll do my part by packing and sending him to Hidden Acres for a week each summer from the ages of 5 to 18. I'm crossing hunting, fishing, shooting, camping, and 4-wheeling off my list of responsibilities.

So in six days I've come to the conclusion that being a girl mom would have just been too easy. God knows I'm up for a challenge, and now I plan to be the cutest, funnest, girliest, most adorable boy mom there ever was. Just because we're having a boy doesn't mean I need to carry a sports backpack for a diaper bag; decorate an all-blue baseball room; and it definitely doesn't mean I need to stop being my glittery-girly-self. Because...don't even joke about a thing like that.

And I like to think I came to that realization in a fairly quickly, rational, unemotional way. Pregnancy hormones, PSH.

I've also decided I need this hoodie. But it's $75 which is a joke. So I'm following them on Facebook and waiting for a drawing or a sale or something. BUT I WANT IT!

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