Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pregnancy Quotes by Josh and Mollie: Part III

Part I
Part II

Note: Please read the following with a heavy dose of SARCASM.

"Uhh ya. They want kids in car seats or booster seats until they're 12 now. YOU STARTED A BUSINESS WHEN YOU WERE 12." - Mollie
"Okay now I'm mad." - Josh

"How much more stuff can a baby possibly need?!" - Josh
***He said this BEFORE we had a swing, high chair, or stroller***

"Next month at this time when I send out BLC billing statements we might have a baby." - Mollie
"Woah. That's like tomorrow." - Josh

"I just want to push our new stroller around the house." - Mollie
"You remind me of my brother when he first got his football pads." - Josh

"At least next year at this time I'll have Maverick to dance with me at weddings." - Mollie
"You could probably go dance with him now." - Josh

"OUR NEW STROLLER HAS CUP HOLDERS. FOUR CUP HOLDERS. I almost want to take our stroller to the fair this year without a baby so we don't have to hold any of our bags or drinks all day. Can you imagine how great that's going to be?!" - Mollie

"So now that there's a baby swing we need to talk about where all the Christmas trees are going to go?" - Josh
***We proceeded to tour our house and plan together where all our trees will go...IN AUGUST***

***After getting out of the hot tub***
"Why are you wearing your towel wrapped up so high? Is it because you're a dad now?" - Mollie


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