Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Wreath-Storing Solution That Will Change Your Life

This post will be short and sweet because I am currently plugging away at a ridiculously long 'To-Do' list that includes deep cleaning appliances, vacuuming my car, painting a closet, and sewing a boppy cover...you know...the essentials that simply MUST be done before we bring a baby into this world in 24-ish days.

But I have to take a minute to share this AMAZING wreath-storage idea because if any of you are like me, it will change. your. life. No, it did NOT come from Pinterest (though I'm sure it's on there and I just missed it). I actually heard about it from a cashier at Real Deals in Fort Dodge (which is the BEST PLACE to find adorable canvas prints in all sizes...their Christmas selection is already out and when I was there two weeks ago I nearly PASSED OUT when I saw their room full of incredible, glittery, Christmas canvases...I wanted them all...instead I settled on a $40 wreath that was on sale for $10 because it was from last season...it's just a great place...but I digress).

Anyway, while I was checking out, I mentioned something to my mom about running out of storage in our basement due to my 'wreath problem.' The lady behind the counter said that she just recently took all her wreaths out of their boxes and bags and hung them all over the walls in her basement.


For so many reasons...

1. Those wreath boxes are great, but they. are. HUGE. They take up tons of space I do not have. Hanging them on the wall utilizes, otherwise useless space! Those big boxes can also be pretty pricey when you have...approximately 20 wreaths. ...not that I have that many or anything.

2. Everything is on display. You can easily see exactly what you want, switch out your summer with fall wreaths and head back upstairs in less time and without the headache of digging through tote after tote hunting for the wreath you're looking for.

3. Wreaths get smashed and squished if they're not stored properly...but what IS the best way to store wreaths? I had yet to discover one...until now. They're actually 'safest' when they're hung up in their special place each season. Which makes hanging them as a way to store them, a better option in every way.

Here's what this new wreath-storage system looks like in our basement, amidst the dreaded paneling in our storage area. There are seven wreaths surrounding our deep freeze (one hung too low to see) and I need to point out (more for Josh's benefit) that I didn't spend more than $40 on this entire wreath wall. HASHTAG BOOM.

Yes, wreaths have taken over more than one wall down here (and I still haven't pulled every wreath from every tote so more are hiding and will eventually be hung up). It's freed up soooo much space elsewhere because these fragile ones are really tricky to store.

A few weeks ago when I implemented this down in our basement I half expected Josh to come downstairs and go, "Why do we need this many wreaths? How much have we spent on wreaths?!" and instead he said (I KID YOU NOT), "Wow this is a great idea babe! And it decorates our basement at the same time!"

I have no words.


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