Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pregnancy Quotes by Josh and Mollie: Part I

Note: Please read the following with a HEAVY DOSE OF SARCASM.

"Why does Maverick get a better room than me? I want to sleep in here. How much weight can this crib hold?" - Josh

"I think it's important we plan his Halloween costumes. This year he will be a baby raccoon. Next year he can be the 'Western Maverick' with the cowboy boots from Erryn and Sean. Then the year after that he can be the 'Top Gun Maverick' because I already have a GAP army jacket and aviators." -Mollie
"Okay good. I'm glad we have the important stuff nailed down." - Josh

***Referring to the 3D picture that was taken during my 9th ultrasound yesterday***
"This picture creeps me out but I thought you would like to see it." -Mollie
"You're going to be such a good mom." - Josh

"I think we should just have Winston come and do your C-Section if you have to have one." -Josh
"I would totally let Winston perform a C-Section for me." - Mollie

"I think at the very least we need to have Winston there to hold your hand." -Mollie
"Good idea." - Josh

"Get your iPad off his face! He doesn't like that! How would you like an iPad crushing your face?!" -Josh

"Something weird happened today that I need to tell you about...I ate a banana." - Mollie
***For those of you who know about my habitual aversion to bananas...this was very interesting news***

"The construction at the hospital is so stupid...we can literally walk to the hospital faster than the time it would take to get in the car and drive and find parking. Plus, once you get to the hospital to have a baby, you just do more walking anyway." -Mollie
"You're right. We're totally walking there." -Josh

"He kicked a lot at the ultrasound today." -Mollie
"Why?? It sounds like he's struggling and he's not comfortable and he wants out." -Josh

"You look very flowy today." -Josh
***This is what Josh says whenever I wear the kimono/cardigan I wore for our pictures***

"This room is awesome. Are we just going to be a one and done family so we can keep it this way?" -Josh

"I'm praying he doesn't have the Boersma nose. But in this ultrasound picture it looks like his nose is huge." -Mollie

"I think I would like to have a C-Section so it can be scheduled. It will make it easier for you with work and I want to have something on the calendar." -Mollie
"I think that's a great idea." -Josh
***My evil plan just might work...he's been upside down for almost all of my 2nd and 3rd trimester ultrasounds***

"This weekend is Maverick's first trip to the lake! Let's pretend it's our first family vacation." -Josh


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