Thursday, March 26, 2015

Room Reveal: Master Bedroom

I am in the middle of approximately 43 projects at our house right of which is my usual spring deep cleaning. But I've been getting pretty side-tracked, you know what with the baby news and the floors and the constant dust that has covered every surface of our house since we started this construction project on November 8th.

So my 'reward' for deep cleaning each room is that it gets a special 'room reveal' on the blog (like I'm some sort of HGTV star and this post is worthy of being titled a room reveal...lolzzz). It's taken me five years to feel 'right' about this bedroom...I figured now that it's clean (it will look like this for about 11 days) I might as well throw a few pictures up on the blog. ;)

So welcome to our room. Some people probably think it's really weird, but I really don't mind hanging out in here with friends and siblings and watching movies. Not to mention, it's super convenient when Josh wants to watch Breaking Bad on Netflix on Monday's in the living room while I watch The Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars.

When I first met Josh's family, it was not uncommon for me and his mom to watch a movie in his parents' bed on a Sunday afternoon or for me to sit and fold my laundry in their bedroom while they watched TV at night. So I decided to adopt those customs and make our room just as welcoming, comfortable, and cozy. It's not a huge room, but I wanted it to be usable for more than just sleeping.

I re-painted this room last summer and meant to post updated before and after pictures but never got around to it. So you're just seeing the final, finished product. Our bed used to be totally turned around and facing a different way, which made much of the room crowded and unusable. Two of the walls in this room used to be white and two of them were a bold aqua color. Which was pretty, but not seasonally friendly and I decorate year-round with Christmas in mind. These walls are now a very faint gray. I wanted a clean and neutral canvas to work with in here so I could change things over the years without being stuck with a bold color on the walls.

Sticking with the vintage glam theme I carry throughout our house. There's some old stuff in here...some sparkly stuff in here...and most's organized, clutter-free and PRETTY. :)

Here's the rundown of where I found everything, what I paid, and how long it's taken me to gather everything.

Curtains: Drop cloth from Lowe's - $20.
Made both curtains last fall. Jillynn literally just cut them down the middle and I hemmed the edges.

Side Tables: Amazon - $150/both.
Our bed is really tall so it was hard to find something that worked for us. I'm not head over heels in love with these, but we desperately needed something. I had an Amazon gift card last Christmas and was tired of looking.

All Frames/Wall Décor: Wedding gifts.

Lamps: TJ Maxx - $30/each.
Just bought these a few months ago with baby in mind. Before we only had one lamp. And for a while it sat on my side of the bed, then it moved to Josh's side (I move things around...a LOT). I decided we both needed one for the middle-of-the-nights that I know are coming.

Yellow Doors: Free!
French doors from our farmhouse that we found in our barn...THEY ARE PERFECT IN HERE.

Giant White Pillows: Target - $35/each.
Paying this much for throw pillows should actually be a punishable crime. But wedding gift cards are meant to be used on such things. And they still look as fresh and white as the day I bought them 4+ years ago.

Gray Throw Pillows: Target - 2/$8.
I got these in the back of the store during that 'After Christmas Sale' Target always has. I have a ton of these square pillows because they're easy to use anywhere and also SUPER easy to sew cute new pillow cases for depending on the season/décor. I've had some of these since college!

Mr. & Mrs. Pillow: TJ Maxx - Christmas gift from Josh!

Sheets: Target/Kohl's - $30
We rotate between two sets of gray sheets. One set are Threshold brand from Target, and the other set are JLo brand from Kohl's. Both came from Black Friday sales...which in my opinion, is the only time to restock on bedding.

Duvet: Wedding gift.

Duvet Cover: Approx. $80?
Homemade three years ago.

Memory Foam Mattress Pad: Target - $80.
If you haven't before...I would encourage you to come lay on our bed sometime. This mattress pad was worth every penny. And way more affordable than buying an actual memory foam mattress (which is what Josh wanted to do). Happy 3rd anniversary to us! :)

Sleigh Bed/Mattress, etc.: Slumberland - $800.
We bought this a few months before we were married and when we went shopping I recall that Josh was completely shocked at the idea of purchasing a bedframe...and my request for a headboard nearly sent him over the edge. 21-year-old, college Josh thought we were just going to put our box spring and mattress on the floor of our bedroom. Bless his heart...look how far he's come. ;)

Elliptical: Facebook Swap - $125.

Rocker: Free!
Found in a closet at our farmhouse...Patti estimates its age as...OLD. Like, really old. And in a few months I'll be using it for more than just decor. 

Throw Blanket: Approx. $40?
Homemade last winter.

Chair Throw Pillow: Wedding gift.

Chair Pillow Case: Free!
Made from duvet scraps.

Dresser: Free!
One of the first pieces of furniture I ever 're-habbed.' Would you believe this dresser used to be dark brown with gold hardware? neither. Black paint and a can of silver spray paint is all it took!

Sheer Closet Curtain: Target - $10.
One of the first things I did in our house (with the help of my dear, crazy friend Ellen) was to rip out all the accordion doors that plagued every room. Josh wasn't sold on the idea...which is why I recruited Ellen to help me one day while he was at work, and made her stick around when he got home so I could tell him with someone else in the room. I know, I'm a child. Anyway, he actually ended up not caring at all.

Guess it's time to start cleaning the next room...


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