Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Let Them Be Bored
This is something I believe my generation of parents' struggles with. There are so many activities and constant entertainment options...things we 'should' be doing for their growth and development...things we 'should' be doing for their nutrition and physical health...between all the nonstop fun stuff (and the temptation to just entertain them with screens when we're exhausted from the nonstop activity), we end up engineering every second of their childhoods without giving them a spare moment to be bored.
But let me tell you the beautiful thing I've witnessed about boredom this week.
It gives kids so much freedom to DO AWESOME STUFF.
I knew Monday could be a struggle without at least a tiny bit of 'show reward' because we were skipping nap so Mav could be down for bedtime before we hosted Connection Group at our house. We have been on major screen detox since Christmas (And honestly it wasn't even terrible then...I just hated how often Mav was requesting shows or talking about shows and movies or making up his own narrative of, 'well if I'm really good and eat all my lunch, then I can have a show!'...when mommy had never even said that!) so even though he pleasantly asked for shows, multiple times throughout the day (3-4 times?) I answered with a simple, 'nope, not today bud,' and he left to go find something new to play. I repeated this each time he asked and surprisingly he just hopped to a new activity (It does not always go this fact, there were a couple days in January that I told him if he asked for/talked about a show I would start taking toys away each time he asked...he actually mentioned this today, so I wonder if that traumatized him enough to work).
We stayed in the house all day because it was windy and cold, so sending him outside wasn't an option...but letting his imagination run wild inside was. He worked on his Valentine's, dressed and moved around his fake baby, requested to cuddle me on the couch and 'rest our eyes instead of nap,' and colored and drew and glued and crafted. He made a 'family' out of paper, drew a picture of his friend and her teddy bear to take and give to her at school, and pretended little carabiner clips were 'keys' for our hotel room in Galena. I watched him make things I've never seen him interested in doing before (without moving from my book on the couch) and it was so fun!
And I didn't 'help' him with any of this...he knows where the craft cupboard is, he has a pair of safe scissors, and everything else is washable, which means my intervention is 0% necessary.
Is there a time for fun, structured 'Pinterest' activities and sensory bins and baking with mom?
Absolutely yes, there is. But I have this sneaky suspicion that mom's spend waaaaaay too much time doing that crap and not enough time telling their kids, 'Hi, it is not my job to entertain you for 12 hours a day, GO PLAY.'
The same thing was repeated yesterday...and this time Mav hardly got out any toys. He played with the same ten plastic fence pieces from a John Deere toy he got when he was a baby. For a while it was a sled...then he turned it into Santa's sleigh, then it was a fence for the farmer again. It's like he's 'peaking' with his independent play at the exact right time for welcoming a baby into the house (all. the. praise. hands.). And he didn't ask for a show ONCE.
So how do I put this...I think the best thing for our kids might be to ignore them a little. Or a lot. They don't need us as much as we think they do. They are smart and independent and creative and are absolutely capable of filling an entire day playing with one line of trains they got three Christmases ago. They don't need us filling their days with nonstop activities and outings, just let them BE and see what happens. I know this is hard in the winter and I know different ages factor into this too (I'm guessing we have some show-heavy days in our future with a newborn), BUT I really think it's GOOD to let them feel boredom. Let them feel it long enough for them to have to deal with it. Say no enough times to their incessant requests for screens and eventually they'll go hunt for something else to do because they've finally realized that's their only option.
By the way, saying no then sitting down and entertaining them yourself doesn't count either...banish them to the basement, the toy room, their bedroom, the craft room...and demand they stay there until you come get them. It's been my experience that Mav actually gets lost playing with things he hasn't in a long time and completely forgets about whining for shows.
For us, the biggest pull has always been to turn on PBS or a Paw Patrol DVD of individual episodes...neither of which are bad (both of which were super helpful pre-preschool when mommy wanted an hour of quiet time to work on Bible Study). And the occasional family movie night is one of our favorite things to do, but spending the month of January pushing through with little to NO TV from 8am to 8pm has been SO GOOD for our family, specifically for me and Mav. We had a couple sick days where we watched multiple movies to survive, and that might be what got us in such bad shape to start with...and days like that can't be helped. But I honestly love making Maverick be bored. He's gotten so good at it and I've seen him create things with his magna-tiles and Legos and craft supplies that I've never seen him do he's had for months/years are being played with all over again, differently, and for longer periods of time. If he had nonstop activities and practices and events scheduled for him, he wouldn't have developed this skill of being bored and going to find something to do independently. Even if it's been frustrating (for both of us) at times, I think giving him margin to learn this skill is one of the best things I can do for him.
So don't give in to the bored-winter-whining. Just ignore them a little. Sit on the couch with a book or some other adult activity and refuse to be the entertainment for an afternoon. Let them figure it out without your intervention like we did when we were kids and screens weren't a viable option...but painting and coloring at the kitchen table for an hour was.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Pregnant and Extra
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37 weeks |
Please note: I am not claiming any of these practices to be 'self-care.' As that term has been used more and more in my mom-community, the more clear it's become to me that nail appointments and shopping aren't what I would consider to be 'self-care.' Maybe in certain seasons they are, but I think self-care has a lot more to do with spiritual disciplines and practices than spending an afternoon having your eyelashes filled. If you feel like perhaps your confidence issues are deeper than hair-extension level, the best place to start is with a good group of friends and a weekly Bible Study/reading plan...that's really the best advice I can offer.
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13 weeks |
With that said, I have no regrets about being the most extra pregnant woman there ever was. Everyone can choose to 'do' their pregnancy differently...I choose to do mine with a spray tanned face.
And here's why.
When I look better, I FEEL BETTER. I'm generally a happier and nicer person (ask Jamie). Soooo much changes in nine months of being pregnant, the last thing I need is to be feeling weird in my own skin. No one has time or energy for that. So for me, the best way to keep my confidence level high is with a few (what some might consider high maintenance) beauty hacks. Honestly, the idea of spending nine months living in sweats and feeling sloppy and crabby about the way I look...just doesn't seem like a good use of time. No one likes spending time with a pregnant person who complains non-stop about aches and pains and weird pregnant things. So it's always a big goal of mine to be the OPPOSITE of that. I've found that the following list helps my mindset and outlook tremendously, as vain and shallow as that may be. Like I said, #noregrets
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24 weeks |
Spray Tans
The last time I was 7/8/9 months pregnant I had the luxury of it being I had a pretty amazing natural tan. That is not true this time around, so I've been using a couple different at-home self-tanning products and I'm in love. Because it's winter, I only have to spray my face/neck a couple of times a week and I can keep the illusion of a 'healthy glow' going. I use this spray for my face/neck (originally found/recommended to me by my friends at Studio 7 Salon in Ames, where I get my full-body spray tans for special occasions) and I use this build-able lotion for larger areas like my legs/arms when I want to control the tan a little better (originally found at Sun Tan City, currently out of stock on Amazon). Also this self-tanning mitt has been a GAME CHANGER for doing this at home and getting near-professional results.
Hair Extensions
As someone who has always had thin hair, but has always loved BIG HAIR, these were the answer to my big hair prayers last spring when I discovered them. This clip-in-version is easy to put in, takes hardly any extra time (I curl/straighten my hair layer-by-layer so clipping them in between each layer is super easy) and look really real. I can't even tell what hair is real and what's fake when I have them in. I'm guessing dark-hair girls will have an easier time choosing/blending a color than blonde girls, but for as cheap as they are on Amazon, I figured it was worth a try. They curl and straighten just like real hair, until they're too full of hairspray, then they need to be washed with shampoo and conditioner just like real hair. When I want some extra PRETTY I throw these in for church/dates/events and instantly have a great hair day.
Whether I've had them done at home or at the salon, having my nails done is always a big part of how 'put together' I feel. I usually do my own toenails at home, do my own manicure from home, then I head to the salon for a quick coat of kinetic gel (which I can usually make last for 3-4 weeks). Skipping the manicure and just having them gel my nails is a huge time and money-saver and keeps my nails healthy and 'done' the way I like. Le's Salon in Ames is my go-to.
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17 weeks |
Lash Extensions
I've never had lashes done before...I'm about to take the plunge and report back. I've always thought lash extensions were something I might want to do the next time we had a baby so during the most tired, puffy, newborn days I wake up with beautiful lashes that took zero effort. Especially with doctor appointments and visitors and meals arriving...with Maverick I always quick tried to throw on some mascara each day (same message applied back then, if I looked better I felt better!), but if you're anything like me, mascara isn't something you can just 'throw on.' It's the part of my makeup routine that takes the LONGEST. I'm trying to alleviate that this time around with a round or two of fake lashes.
Teeth Whitening Strips
Four and a half delightful years ago, I started drinking straight black coffee due to a precious bundle of joy named Maverick who didn't follow a single Babywise Rule. I didn't really think much of it, until my smile was in pictures next to Josh's beautiful bright white smile and then it was OBVIOUS coffee-drinking was taking a toll on my teeth. I was nervous to try Crest White strips because of the sensitivity they can cause, but if I go 3-4 days between using the strips, and only keep them on for a half hour at a time, I haven't had any issues with sensitivity. I buy mine from my dentist office because they can carry strips with a higher level of...whatever the whitening agent is...than the ones on the shelf at Target have. For about the same price as what stores carry. I also use Crest Whitening toothpaste, which I think helps blend and fade the patchy-brightness the strips can cause (there's a good chance I'm making that up, but it's how I feel).
Growing up, I didn't know this was something that my future held, but at a certain point it was inevitable. I regularly get my upper lip waxed because...this is the plight of the dark-haired girl. Bonus, I'm helping remove the stigma every time I take Maverick to the salon because he gets his haircut, I follow the appointment up with a lip wax, and he has no idea there's anything weird or embarrassing about mommy having that done. Without details, I will leave you with the following in regards to waxing services of another kind: They are hands-down, 100%, abso-freaking-lutley worth the cost (and the pain) to feel more confident and comfortable in the weeks leading up to + post-childbirth. I will stand by this until the day I die.
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27 weeks |
Showering for me is just a whole thing because I don't do it super often, so when I do it...I do it right. My hair and skin feel soooo much better when I go 2-3 days between showers and you can have opinions about this, but I do not care. I make sure to exfoliate really well and moisturize everything because...winter in Iowa. Then to keep my feet from becoming old lady feet, I use this Amope exfoliator, followed by tons of this Gold Bond foot cream + socks overnight. The exfoliator is rechargeable and you can order replacement rollers when the current ones wear down.
Buying Clothes that FIT
I will let you in on a is not a contest to see how long you can wear your 'regular' clothes for. No one cares. If you're uncomfortable anywhere in any way, it's time to pull out the maternity tote of clothes or plan a shopping trip. You better believe I was wearing pregnant jeans/leggings by 8 weeks and full-on maternity fit shirts by week 10. I just feel like I have nothing to prove here. I've found that shopping for and buying cute maternity clothes that are comfortable and fit me well is huge for my attitude, my overall excitement about being pregnant, and my's SO FUN. My go-to places for maternity shopping are Target, Amazon, Motherhood Maternity, and (surprise of the century), Wal-Mart. I scored some SUPER SOFT v-necks there last week for $6.97 and I'm as shocked about this as you are. A little spree around 37+ weeks for hospital jammies, a cute 'going home' outfit (why is this just a thing for the baby??), and a fresh pair of large(ish) leggings for post-childbirth are all important and fun things I just finished checking off the list.
BUY THE BIG BRAS AND UNDERWEAR TOO. Stop being a hero about this. If you're anything like me, your comfort level is directly related to your confidence level. You will need another size (or two) bigger and there is no shame in this. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can just be comfortable.
BONUS TIP: Shoe size doesn't all the cute shoes you can handle before/during/after pregnancy because that is the ONE THING (for me anyway) that doesn't change a bit...
Hair Cut + Color
I think this one is pretty 'normal' for most mama's...we all schedule in our final hair appointments because we aren't sure the next time we'll make it to the salon on a three-hour feeding schedule...and because my hair appointments happen all the way in Manson, I make SURE my final cut and color is scheduled as close to the baby coming as possible. Now that I think about it, the last time I didn't make this happen and my hair had a weird-growing-out-reddish tint that I do not enjoy in pictures, but somehow didn't notice at the time. Good thing I'm knocking that appointment out tomorrow afternoon.
I think this one is pretty 'normal' for most mama's...we all schedule in our final hair appointments because we aren't sure the next time we'll make it to the salon on a three-hour feeding schedule...and because my hair appointments happen all the way in Manson, I make SURE my final cut and color is scheduled as close to the baby coming as possible. Now that I think about it, the last time I didn't make this happen and my hair had a weird-growing-out-reddish tint that I do not enjoy in pictures, but somehow didn't notice at the time. Good thing I'm knocking that appointment out tomorrow afternoon.
I went back and read what I wrote about 'Looking Fab During Pregnancy' the first time around, and surprisingly many of these tips are the same! Just re-invented a bit and 'sassed down' for your reading pleasure.
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15 weeks |
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Cooper's Room Reveal
The moment
This is honestly, 100%, hands DOWN my favorite part about getting ready for a baby. By far the hardest part of pregnancy for me is the beginning when I don't know if I'll be decorating a boy room or a girl room...ALL I WANT TO DO is paint and pick curtains and buy sheets but I can't even brainstorm ideas in the early stage because there are too many unknowns. It's not even fun for me to imagine until DECISIONS CAN BE MADE.
20 weeks hit, we threw a party and found out we'd be having a boy...a couple days later we announced the name...and then somehow everything about the adorable cows, neutral color scheme, and collected vintage pieces just fell together in the most perfect way.
These were the four pieces that gave me the vision for this room:
The vintage cow breed poster hanging right of the window was something I found at a shop down in the East Village earlier this spring for $6...I never found the perfect place for it in our house, but it was too cute to pass up and I had a feeling I'd be able to use it for something in the future.
The white porcelain cow was a JB Knacker find from more than a year lived outside on our porch, welcoming guests until it moved to Cooper's room. When I find cute unique pieces that 'speak to me,' I just grab them. It's what gives our house that warm, collected, interesting feel instead of a 'Straight From Target' feel.
The real cow skull was pulled from the barn at our Cambridge acreage/rental property years ago and it's been an excellent conversation piece no matter where I have it hanging (it's made appearances at both our old and new house on the front steps, the living room, the kitchen). It's gotten really strong reactions from certain grandmother's: 'A dead cow skull hanging on the wall of a BABY'S room?!' but I find that to be hilarious, so it stays. Because seriously, how perfect is it?!
And finally the old 'Cow Herd Register' on the shelf above the dresser (possibly my favorite piece of the original 'puzzle' that solidified the cow theme for me) came from somewhere in my grandma's or my dad's stuff...I can't remember exactly, but I know it's old and it's cool. There are old photographs of different cows, paperclipped inside, along with handwritten notes and cattle prices.
I did some very light Pinterest research, but for the most part I use Pinterest as more of a Google machine than a place to find my inspiration. For me, once inspiration hits, I just know it's right and I can pretty easily start gathering what I picture in my head. I took my time, blocking in the bigger pieces (crib, rug, chair, bookcase), living with them for a while, and then slowly adding the final touches. Daily, for the past 37 weeks, I walk across the hall to the baby's room after I lay Mav down for nap to just stand and stare...and slowly the pieces all fell into place.
The letterboard, frames, books, and cowboy boots are all things we already had/I pulled from Mav's room to style this shelf. I wanted this bookcase to feel 'collected' but I have to admit I had a hard time styling it without making it cluttery....always a fine line I'm walking.
The bookshelf in our living room was starting to get a little out of control so moving all my baby/parenting books to this big bookcase in Cooper's room was the perfect solution to that problem. |
Where the big stuff came from:
Rocker - Target
Pouf - TJ Maxx
Crib - Target
Bookcase -Target
Rug - RugsUSA
Teepee - Sam's Club
My rustic windows and frames have all been gathered over the years, pulled from my basement decor supply to help give this room its character. I really struggled with wanting bookcases on either side of the crib for a grand symmetrical look, but I had absolutely no need for MORE storage in this room. I hardly had enough stuff to style one shelf, let alone filling two with unnecessary 'things.' So Maverick's teepee from Christmas was the perfect solution to that problem once I talked him into it. I'm still sort of picturing a small cowhide rug for the floor of the teepee in this room, along with some gray buffalo plaid pillows, but I can add those later.
Canvas Bins - Target Brown Cow - Scentsy Black/White Cow - Poopsie's (in Galena) |
We collected every cow book Maverick owned and put them in Cooper's room because that added to the cute cow details. And Maverick was (surprisingly) thrilled to be sharing them. |
Once Cooper's custom name arrived from Etsy yesterday at 11:30 (from a shop named 'BlairMade' - I would highly recommend!), I could finally call it 'DONE.' The paint touch-ups somehow magically happened, the closet has been organized to my standards, and don't think I could love how Cooper's room turned out more.
I painted the walls in this room more than a year and a half ago and it felt like the most unfair thing in the world...I should have been six months pregnant, choosing paint colors for a room that would hold a baby in three months, but that wasn't our reality. To make the best of it, my plan was to put the crib back up to use for cousins and the many baby guests who visit our house, which I knew would be sensible and useful...but to spend two whole days painting a room that wouldn't hold a baby of ours for the foreseeable future...lets just say it's not the most fun I've ever had. I powered through because that's how I do projects, but I think that's why this room was so over-the-top fun for me to think about and plan for and put 20 days (or less!) Mav will finally have a baby brother in this adorable room across the hall!
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Bar Cart turned BABY Cart
Okay this might seem dumb, but I am THRILLED about this cart. There's just something about baby goodies being all stocked and organized and READY that gives me so much satisfaction...and this cart. I'm telling you, it's like my crowning achievement of this pregnancy.
Four years ago, Wal-Mart and Target pick-up didn't exist. The first week we were home, random things kept coming up that we needed, like ASAP and so my mom would faithfully take her daily (sometimes multiple) trips to Target, list in hand, to grab the nursing pads/gas drops/Lanolin cream I'd requested. It was usually like two or three small things each time, always super random...and it's sort of what she was here to do, but errands in September are different than errands in February. I want us to be able to hunker down and hibernate as MUCH as possible to avoid unnecessary activity and germs.
Plus, when you realize you need gas drops the first night you're home with baby...YOU NEED THEM NOW.
So as the weeks have gone by, I've done my best to think back and remember all of those 'last-minute' things we grabbed the first week Maverick was home (guessing people who have babies closer together already HAVE this kind of stuff, but we had NOTHING for newborn life left in this house). I parked myself in the rocker, imagined the middle of the night, and remembered like ten things I remember needing/wanting/using. Then last week, I curated my baby supply Wal-Mart and Target pick-up lists.
I was explaining to a friend how Cooper's room doesn't have as many 'surfaces' as I like when changing a newborn (especially because I'm using a cute OLD dresser that was mine vs. the big IKEA Hemmnes one we had for Maverick), and she suggested getting one of these carts from Target.
The more I thought about it, the more genius of an idea it became.
First off...they are CHEAP. Second, they come in white and gray...what better colors are there (answer: none). Third...I can roll this thing ANYWHERE IN THE HOUSE. It currently sits in our master bedroom, waiting to be rolled closer to the bed, closer to the bassinet, into the bathroom, out to the kitchen for sink baths...and eventually it will land in baby's room once Cooper is permanently stationed there for naps and night.
*I've linked a few of our favorite products in the list below, too!*
Plastic compartments (to keep all the tiny things together)
Hand sanitizer (I actually have this in every single room of the house + every bag/purse)
Newborn diapers + wipes
Baby Q-tips
Baby nail clippers (the good kind with big white handles)
Nose sucker (just the bulb-kind...the NoseFrida is in Cooper's room)
Infant head scrubby brush (I like this one when they're tiny for scrubbing all that gross skin off during baths...but as gently as possible)
Baby comb + brush
Vaseline (baby boy diaper changes are the worst in the beginning)
Chapstick (for me)
Nail file (for me...does anyone else feel paralyzed when you're nursing and you NEED stuff like this but can't get to it for a half hour?? Trying to fix that situation)
Burp cloths/towels (I never use traditional 'cute' burp cloths...flour sack towels are bigger and way more absorbent, can be found in plain white, and also...cheaper! I couldn't find a link for plain white ones like we have on Target, but I found Cooper's at Thiessen's this time)
Thank you notes + notebook to record gifts (MOST PROUD OF THIS ONE)
Spare bassinet sheets
Baby washcloths
Spare outfit (in case of middle-of-the-night blowout)
Spare swaddle blanket
Gas drops
G'mas homemade lotion (for me)
Nursing ice packs
Nursing pads
Gas drops
Nursing shield
Nursing creams/balms/cooling gel
Baby shampoo + lotion
Water bottle + Tylenol/ibuprofen (for me)
Books/magazines/reading material closeby
This thing is locked and loaded, specifically for bathtime and feeding time...I love how useful it will be to travel around the house with for the first few months...and I love how useful it will be in Cooper's room after that! Even after the first year, once most of this stuff is less necessary I can picture using it in almost any other room of our house for cute storage or as a fun bar cart in the dining room.
Honestly, I couldn't believe all the stuff I remembered we needed and didn't have. Most of my friends with multiples have just said, 'All you need when you bring them home are diapers!' BUT...most of my friends have had babies a lot closer together than 4.5 years...I'm guessing they could still scrounge around for a tube of diaper rash paste if they needed to...not at this house! So I'm guessing this post may be more helpful for new mom's, and that's great!
I'll have to keep you posted on if this bar cart turned baby cart lives up to my hype.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
What's in my hospital bag this time...
Maverick noticed me packing my bag a couple weeks ago, asked to help, and then proceeded to pack his own Paw Patrol suitcase for the hospital. It weighed about 20 pounds because it was full of every single Hot Wheels car he owns, plus his robe and his slippers and his Bandit.
He knows now he doesn't need a suitcase because he will just be visiting the hospital, but every once in a while I go in Cooper's room and find a mysterious bag packed with toys,lined up next to mine and Cooper's and it kills me. Mav is as ready as we are for this brother to come any time!
I always like reading what people pack in their hospital bags, and it's really useful to remember (for myself) or direct people to when they ask. I know blogging is a dying art, but you would be shocked at the number of times people ask me about a recipe or something else random and I either direct them to my blog or I go hunt down a post to remember for myself.
Mom's Bag:
Pretty robes + comfy robes
Cute pajamas/loungewear/hoodies
Cute nightgown to wear instead of hospital gown
Swimsuit (I do not 'do' stark naked during childbirth)
Nursing bras, wide variety/assortment
Most comfortable/cute sports bra
Socks + slippers
"Fresh 48" outfit
"Going Home" outfit
Dry shampoo
Lotion + chapstick
Vitamins/current meds
Self-tanner spray (Yes I went's winter, just ok?)
Blow dryer/straightener
Letterboard + presorted letters needed
Phone charger
Current books/reading material
Wallet + Insurance cards + ID
Make-up/face wipes
Notebook/pen to record possible gifts
Pillow + blanket (a MUST)
Cooper's Bag:
Sleepers + hats (I also do not 'do' hospital hats and blankets)
Favorite swaddle blanket
Assortment of paci's
Gas drops
Hand sanitizer
Portable sound machine + spare batteries
Stuffed cow for pictures
Nursing shield
Nursing pads
Nursing cover-up
Nursing lotion/cream/balm
Breast pump
Burp towels/cloths
Car seat + base + warm car seat cover
"Going Home" outfit
Josh's Bag:
"Going Home" outfit
Tennis shoes
Laptop + charger
Phone charger
Assortment of snacks
Spare vehicle/house keys
Pillow + blanket (also a MUST for dad)
Because some of these things have to be thrown in at the last minute...if I'm unable to perform that task for whatever reason, I can direct my dearly beloved ones straight to this list.
Think I'm leaving something out? Message me!
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Gear for Baby #2
I absolutely love baby gear.
I love sorting the clothes and figuring out how to organize all the stuff...I love hauling out all the newborn-stage gear and setting it up around the house...I love opening Amazon and Target packages as all of our last minute things have started to arrive.
The clothes are clean and the drawers are organized and full, the swings are out and waiting, the soaps/creams/lotions/balms/gas drops/hand sanitizer/tiny diapers are all scattered in convenient locations throughout the house. Basically the only thing we're waiting on here is the baby.
So I thought I'd share a few of the things I made sure to grab this time around based on recommendations from friends or things I've observed and LOVED other friends using over the past four years. I've been taking lotsssss of mental notes so when we finally got our news I was READY for the STUFF. Here's a link to what we bought and loved the last time around. I still firmly stand by EVERYTHING on this list, namely the Baby Bjorn Travel Crib which, I'm convinced, is the literal best pack'n'play in the history of all time. Absolutely worth the money because it's been used nonstop by Mav (and many baby-visitors) for the past four years and I've never once been frustrated by it. That's a pack'n'play win for sure.
Each item listed is a clickable link!
Sound Machine:
We used a white noise app on my iPad for a LONG time with Mav. And even after I bought a small Graco sound machine, I doubled-up on the sounds most of the time because our old house was so small. However, a few months ago I decided I was kind of 'over' sharing my iPad and I might as well order two matching sound machines (plus a battery-operated travel option!) for both boy rooms. This thing is SO GREAT. It's a super common model/brand and it gets LOUD, which I love. I grabbed it on an Amazon Deal of the Day.
Rocking Chair:
We had this chair in the gray version for Maverick and LOVED it. Again, a purchase that I would say was definitely worth the money, especially on the FIRST baby when the Target giftcards are a-flowing. I probably did 80% of my nursing in this chair. For a long time I tried to figure out a way to NOT order a second one (we were still using the gray rocker for naps/bedtime for Mav in our new house)...but as I thought more about what having a newborn in this house would look like, I settled on the fact that baby will likely be in our room for MUCH longer than Maverick was (approx. 3 days?) because I'm not trekking across the creaky floors in this house 2, 3, 4, 5, times in the night to feed the newborn. So in October during a Target furniture sale I pulled the trigger and ordered one for Cooper's room, moved the gray rocker to our room, and moved the gray chair + ottoman to Mav's room so we still have a special spot to cuddle up and read books every night. I like these chairs because they look like a real piece of furniture I could move to any room of our house when they're done being used for babies/kids. *I couldn't find our exact chair on I'm glad I ordered it when I did! The one I linked is super similar.*
I have yet to use this handy thing (it didn't exist when Maverick was born!) but I've witnessed my best friend use it for two babies, and if it's as magic as she claims, I'll get away without having to use Satan's Breast Pump EVER this time around. She catches so much milk without having to do a THING or waste any extra time, and I'm all about that life. It was one of the first things I ordered!
This seems like a dumb one, but I love me a good letterboard. They are SO great for remembering big milestones (first day of school, last day of school, monthly baby photos!) so prepare to see a LOT of letterboarding happening on my Instagram this year. I prefer the felt boards to the plastic ones from Hobby Lobby or Target.
Roller/Bar Cart:
Like I said, being in a new place for our second newborn has given me a lot to strategize for (ie: sink baths in the farmhouse sink; a BASEMENT to utilize; a toddler sleeping one room away, etc.). I grabbed this cart at Target and the more I think about it, the more insanely useful I think it will be. First of all, it I can roll it to our master bathroom for bath time, out to the kitchen for bathtime, to the bassinet for a quick diaper change, to the rocker in our bedroom in the night to feed baby...or all the way to the other side of the house to Cooper's room when he's more settled over there. Second of all, it's I can put it in any room of our house whenever I want from now until forever and it will continue to be useful, but also match.
We skipped this the last time around, because we didn't have room in our bedroom, and honestly...Maverick in his crib in his room meant better sleep for everyone. So this was one of those things that I labeled as unnecessary gear and did without. But as I've previously mentioned, with a bigger house comes different newborn challenges...namely logistical middle-of-the-night challenges. I didn't want a tiny bassinet that would only last a month, but I also didn't want to just set up a big pack'n'play in the middle of our bedroom...I wanted something that made sense with the style of our bedroom...and if you know me, you know I don't like the 'look' of most baby stuff so this was a challenge. Because it's semi-temporary, I also wanted it to be semi-cheap. After much deliberation, this is what I finally settled on. If I have a hard time sleeping, it's a perfect size to throw in the bathroom for more distance/barrier between me and Cooper.
Baby Bath:
The tub we had for Mav was *fine* but it was big and made showering in my own shower kind of a pain...I always had to move it out before I could shower, it was annoying for guests to 'work around' and it was just MORE than necessary. It simply took up way too much square footage to store for years and years after Mav was done using it so it got donated. When I found out we were pregnant I picked up this bath seat/support as soon as I saw it in gray on the shelf at Target (can you believe it was almost impossible to find gray stuff five years ago?!). I'm planning to hang it on the wall down our back stairs for easy access for kitchen baths and when it's time for the big tub I can stick it to the tub wall.
Baby Gym:
Want to know what else has become popular in the past four years? Baby toys that aren't obnoxious colors! We liked the little baby play yard we had for Mav (see link to old blog post!), it was easy enough to fold up and hide if people were coming over or if I just didn't want to look at colorful plastic on my floor for a few days...but LOOK AT WHAT THEY MAKE NOW. I'm sort of planning that this adorably-neutral set-up will be upstairs in our living room and the BRIGHT LOUD COLORFUL one will be downstairs for evening movies or hanging out with Mav in the toy room.
Diaper bag/Backpack:
Literally everyone I know has this diaper bag, so when I saw it on sale I jumped on board. It's been proclaimed on my social media ads as the Best Diaper Bag Ever so I figured it was worth seeing what the hype was all about. There are so many compartments it's insane. I'm a purse-carrier by nature, so I never wanted a diaper-bag-looking diaper bag, and I still plan to use my leopard Coach bag for the first 6-ish months...but this one seemed appealing for the second-stage when there's more food and toys and bigger diapers to pack. Plus that's when we'll be on the go a bit more in the summer/fall and I prefer a backpack for those months anyway.
Vornadobaby Space Heater:
Maverick had a Vorndo space heater for about three years, but for some reason it didn't like our new house. It worked at our old house, we moved, plugged it in here, and it hasn't worked since. We never replaced it because he's been sleeping under real covers since we moved here (his room is actually the coldest in the house, so I've often thought we should grab one for him, but it's just one of those annoying things you don't WANT to spend $70 on) but finally last week I threw the the nursery version of his space heater in our Amazon cart. I like all the safety features on this brand of space heater, I just think we used the old one a LOT, so I'm interested to see how long this one lasts.
Diaper Cady:
I was suckered into this on a PrimeDayDeal. It was less than $10 and looked like something that would be good to keep behind the couch in the basement filled with diapers, wipes, burp cloths, etc. so we don't have to hike upstairs for a diaper when we need one. It's already loaded up and downstairs!
Double Stroller + Attachments:
This has not yet been ordered, but it's on my list. Last summer and fall, we were still frequently using a stroller for Mav, and I always like the OPTION of making him get in and sit if I need him to. He obviously doesn't need his own stroller seat, but I like the skateboard or bench seat options for him to be able to ride along...especially if it's for long walks or big trips to the zoo or the fair, etc. It's way easier to hand him snacks and drinks if he's sitting than expecting him to handle that if we're walking around...maybe this is because he's a first and only child, but who doesn't prefer their child be CONTAINED at the Farmer's Market?! We used our first stroller to death because I was determined we only needed ONE. But after four years and that much use, it's not folding quite's dirtier than I can get clean...and I think right now the kitties use it to cuddle up and sleep on in the shed. So we have our eyes on an upgrade for the spring.
As freaking annoying as it was to have to buy two of these this winter...they're a necessary part of life for an Iowan living through winter. I've had a cold in some version since Thanksgiving and Mav has been a lot snottier than usual too...throw in the fact that we needed one for baby's room, and that's actually three humidifier's. But because I know Cooper will be in our room, I held off on buying the third because...humidifier's are like the least fun thing to spend $150 on. I like this model because it's SILENT and holds a gallon of water, without using a filter we have to keep clean/replace (all different from the Vick's one we owned when Mav was a ended up getting super grimy, hard to clean, and filters needed to be purchased/replaced often). Mav loves that he can pick a different light color every night. You can also throw essential oils in if you're into that kind of thing.
Drawer Dividers:
I couldn't find the exact kinds we have online so I've linked really similar options. I bought a white set from IKEA and more recently a plastic Room Essentials set from Target and let me tell you. I already know it will be easier to keep paci's and Q-tips and gas drops and tiny baby socks and mittens more organized. I hate having that kind of stuff just floating around in big drawers, so this was a super cheap option to remedy that.
Stuff I'm borrowing this time around:
Dock-A-Tot (lots of hardwood floors in this house, seems like it might be useful but I didn't want to commit to the price tag)
Rock'n'Play (NOT for overnight sleep, just an option to have in case we have an unreasonably fussy baby this time, and they're like Black Market Contraband now so borrowing was my only option)
MamaRoo Swing (so we have a swing option upstairs and downstairs)
There it is! I know none of these things are 'needed' to bring a baby home, but they do make it easier. And in the dead of winter when we will be hibernating, I just wanted everything to be here and ready and waiting...and I think we're there! All that's left is deep cleaning the showers, appliances, sinks, and baseboards...making freezer meals...and planning our family newborn picture outfits!
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