Thursday, January 23, 2020

Bar Cart turned BABY Cart

Okay this might seem dumb, but I am THRILLED about this cart. There's just something about baby goodies being all stocked and organized and READY that gives me so much satisfaction...and this cart. I'm telling you, it's like my crowning achievement of this pregnancy.

Four years ago, Wal-Mart and Target pick-up didn't exist. The first week we were home, random things kept coming up that we needed, like ASAP and so my mom would faithfully take her daily (sometimes multiple) trips to Target, list in hand, to grab the nursing pads/gas drops/Lanolin cream I'd requested. It was usually like two or three small things each time, always super random...and it's sort of what she was here to do, but errands in September are different than errands in February. I want us to be able to hunker down and hibernate as MUCH as possible to avoid unnecessary activity and germs.

Plus, when you realize you need gas drops the first night you're home with baby...YOU NEED THEM NOW.

So as the weeks have gone by, I've done my best to think back and remember all of those 'last-minute' things we grabbed the first week Maverick was home (guessing people who have babies closer together already HAVE this kind of stuff, but we had NOTHING for newborn life left in this house). I parked myself in the rocker, imagined the middle of the night, and remembered like ten things I remember needing/wanting/using. Then last week, I curated my baby supply Wal-Mart and Target pick-up lists.

I was explaining to a friend how Cooper's room doesn't have as many 'surfaces' as I like when changing a newborn (especially because I'm using a cute OLD dresser that was mine vs. the big IKEA Hemmnes one we had for Maverick), and she suggested getting one of these carts from Target.

The more I thought about it, the more genius of an idea it became.

First off...they are CHEAP. Second, they come in white and gray...what better colors are there (answer: none). Third...I can roll this thing ANYWHERE IN THE HOUSE. It currently sits in our master bedroom, waiting to be rolled closer to the bed, closer to the bassinet, into the bathroom, out to the kitchen for sink baths...and eventually it will land in baby's room once Cooper is permanently stationed there for naps and night.

So here's what I've stocked it with (remember this is newborn life...which is much more high maintenance than life 6+ weeks in...but it can be the HARDEST, so my main goal was to make everything as easy as possible for Future Mollie):

*I've linked a few of our favorite products in the list below, too!*

Plastic compartments (to keep all the tiny things together)
Hand sanitizer (I actually have this in every single room of the house + every bag/purse)
Newborn diapers + wipes
Baby Q-tips
Baby nail clippers (the good kind with big white handles)
Nose sucker (just the bulb-kind...the NoseFrida is in Cooper's room)
Infant head scrubby brush (I like this one when they're tiny for scrubbing all that gross skin off during baths...but as gently as possible)
Baby comb + brush
Vaseline (baby boy diaper changes are the worst in the beginning)
Chapstick (for me)
Nail file (for me...does anyone else feel paralyzed when you're nursing and you NEED stuff like this but can't get to it for a half hour?? Trying to fix that situation)
Burp cloths/towels (I never use traditional 'cute' burp cloths...flour sack towels are bigger and way more absorbent, can be found in plain white, and also...cheaper! I couldn't find a link for plain white ones like we have on Target, but I found Cooper's at Thiessen's this time)
Thank you notes + notebook to record gifts (MOST PROUD OF THIS ONE)
Spare bassinet sheets
Baby washcloths
Spare outfit (in case of middle-of-the-night blowout)
Spare swaddle blanket
Gas drops
G'mas homemade lotion (for me)
Nursing ice packs
Nursing pads
Gas drops
Nursing shield
Nursing creams/balms/cooling gel 
Baby shampoo + lotion
Water bottle + Tylenol/ibuprofen (for me)
Books/magazines/reading material closeby

This thing is locked and loaded, specifically for bathtime and feeding time...I love how useful it will be to travel around the house with for the first few months...and I love how useful it will be in Cooper's room after that! Even after the first year, once most of this stuff is less necessary I can picture using it in almost any other room of our house for cute storage or as a fun bar cart in the dining room.

Honestly, I couldn't believe all the stuff I remembered we needed and didn't have. Most of my friends with multiples have just said, 'All you need when you bring them home are diapers!' BUT...most of my friends have had babies a lot closer together than 4.5 years...I'm guessing they could still scrounge around for a tube of diaper rash paste if they needed to...not at this house! So I'm guessing this post may be more helpful for new mom's, and that's great!

I'll have to keep you posted on if this bar cart turned baby cart lives up to my hype.


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