Thursday, March 7, 2019

G'ma Rose's Homemade Lotion

Stop right here if you're super obsessive about reading labels. This recipe can be adapted really easily to fit your needs as an 'all-natural-essential-oiler' so you can swap out ingredients on your own as you wish...I just don't need your opinions about it. Mmkay? 

Now that we got that out of the way, here is the lotion my G'ma has been making for decades. It is hands-down, the best, moisturizing, non-greasy, fluffy, scent-free, all-over lotion I've ever used. I use it for everything from my face to my feet. It's amazing for dry elbows and winter skin. It even works well in place of shaving cream if it's a Sunday morning and you're wearing a dress but have no time to shower before church. I can wear this lotion in the middle of summer without feeling slimy and greasy and attracting bugs because it doesn't have perfume scent. It does a great job of locking in moisture...I only shower once every 2-3 days, and one application right out of the shower is always more than adequate. It's literally the only way my skin survives the winter.

And since winter is making it known that IT'S NOT OVER YET, I felt like it was still appropriate to share.

It's basically the only product I use in my pretty much non-existent skin care 'routine.' Some day I'll grow up and spend hundreds of dollars on skincare, but this has been working for as long as I can I don't see that happening any time soon.

What you'll need:
Jar (s) or your choice of container w/ lids

8 oz. Vitamin E Cream
10 oz. Baby lotion (your choice)
7.5 oz. Vaseline

Because I like to make things easier for Future Mollie, I double the recipe. When my G'ma makes it, she makes a TON to divide into little containers for all the girls in the family for every birthday/Christmas/Easter/random occasion she hands them out for.

Start by dumping the ingredients into the bowl and scraping out their containers.

Beat everything together with a mixer until it's fluffy. This part is reeeeeeeally satisfying to do and watch. I could have mixed it with the beater for an hour. Plus, the longer you mix, the lighter and fluffier it gets...more like a whipped lotion than a creamy thick lotion.

Empty this amazing magic fluff into your containers and use! 

It took way longer to take the pictures and write this blog than it did to whip it all up and pour it into the jars. 5-10 minutes total.

One of my favorite parts...I filled those two jars with lotion I use daily in LARGE amounts...for $15. I'm not positive how long it will last since I've been so used to my G'ma replenishing my supply, I've never really paid attention. But I can keep you posted. 

I will swear by this stuff until the day I dieeeeeeee.


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