Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Stuff I'm NOT OK With

I'm feeling sassy this week. And a little out-of-sorts. We partied all week last week, Josh missed quite a bit of work while we had friends here from out-of-town...which means for the most part my house is clean, I'm feeling well-rested and ready to rant about some things.

This is what's on my mind.

Hanging macrame plants.

Is this even real life. HOW is it POSSIBLE this is on-trend again?! I remember staring at these every time we went to visit grandmas or old ladies from church...they were commonplace in every living room corner for anyone over the age of 65. And as a seven-year-old...I would sit and stare at that ugly hanging fake plant, suspended from the ceiling with macrame rope, while sitting on a sticky, plastic-covered, orange, floral couch...and fixate on how much I hated them.

I feel the same way today. Except now I also feel a little sick that Joanna used them in one of her flips from Season 4...and just like that they're all over my Instagram feed and IN STORES. I can't.

Adult short/long denim overalls.

Umm. I *guess* some of the gals I've seen can pull them off, but I still just don't understand. Logistically, overalls don't make sense to me, and they never have. The last time I wore overalls was in 3rd grade and because I didn't want to miss one minute of computer class (Math Munchers and Dyno Park Tycoon-time only came around once a week) I held off going to the bathroom until the very last. minute. And then (once it was too late) I had to run down the hall to pee but OOPS I'M WEARING OVERALLS. Needless to say, I couldn't fling the straps off fast enough and a minor accident occurred. Good thing it was the last class of the day. I told my friends the sink exploded. It's fine. But overall (see what I did there?), just no.

I called Jamie tell her I would be posting this story on the world wide web...her response? "DUDE THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME IN 2ND GRADE I THINK! Overalls are DUMB."

Online fitness challenge groups.

People who devote themselves to coaching others and being healthy...SO GOOD! But if ONE MORE BLESSED PERSON messages me and asks if I'd like to be part of their 30-day-fitness-beachbody-shakeology-blah-blah challenge I will lose my mind. I'm always just utterly confused at this person messaging me...usually a distant Facebook friend (read: acquaintance) who I haven't seen in person or talked to in more than five years. I honestly don't even know how to reply most of the time? So I sit there staring at my phone screen, end up switching to something else, and then forgetting to reply completely. Which is probably fine because the answer was no anyway. And like, why am I on 'the list' of people to contact? I need to know how I made it on that list of potential recruits...on second thought, maybe I don't...

Open kitchen shelving.

Don't get me wrong. I have seen this done REALLY WELL. But the problem I have is this: if it's open and out there for everyone to see...it kind of needs to be styled and pretty. And coordinated. I don't know about you, but toddler plastic doesn't really 'go' with the theme of my kitchen. So maybe a small section of open-shelving is a great idea, but that will cut down on the total storage options in the rest of the kitchen. And in my old age, I've just become downright practical. I see open-shelving and I see wasted space.

Farm animals as house pets.

I follow a pretty famous blogger who recently brought a little lamb home to their farm. So sweet. So perfect. Except this little baby lamb is allowed IN THE HOUSE. On the couch! In the hallway! Under the kitchen table! It makes for great Instagrams, but you guys...WHERE DOES THAT LITTLE LAMB GO TO THE BATHROOM?! And get this...everything in this gal's entire house is WHITE. From top to bottom, I swear. White couches, white floors, white rugs. And she lets an ANIMAL freely roam from outside in. What. I see her snap this little lamb 20 times a day and it sort of feels like all I'm thinking about this week. She allows a sheep on her Magnolia sectional couch...I'm *this close* to telling her she doesn't deserve a Magnolia couch if she's going to allow farm animals all over it. Magnolia sectionals DESERVE RESPECT.

Amber necklaces.

To those of you who swear by these...awesome. Go you. I just cannot get my head around putting something that resembles jewelry on my little BOY. Given that he's pretty "particular" about a "few" things (refuses flip-flops, shirt sleeves rolled up, Puddle Jumper, and most other unfamiliar things) I'm pretty confident in my assessment that he would never go for wearing a necklace, but also...I hate how they look! I'm probably being stupid but I can't get past it. Josh also tends to think it's a big load of crap so there's that. lol.

Extravagant kid birthday parties.

I'm in the early 'planning' stages for Mav's second birthday party. Meaning, I'm blocking out the date/time, casually telling the fam, and taking inventory of what he could use/need to 'assign' the grandparents a few gift ideas. I'll create, print, and send 10 invites. I'll put up some pics from Mav's second year of life and I plan to have some fun with the Top Gun theme we're doing (Maverick...get it?) It will last two hours. We will eat some air plane cookies and Chex Mix. We will open a few modest, reasonable, educational, SMALL gifts and that's it. I sit completely dazed and confused about why anything above and beyond this is necessary for a child who won't even remember this over-the-top event. Can we all just agree to relax about birthday parties??

Denim underwear (aka: what the kids are calling shorts these days).

Umm. How do I put this delicately? The jean shorts that the pretty young things are wearing these days are...OB. SCENE. Went to Applebee's last night and caught a glimpse of some nice side-boob and also two sets of cheeks. The butt kind. Went to the Farmer's Market and saw a tall skinny gal POURED into denim shorts similar to the way volleyball girls wear spandex. I do not care how skinny or curvy or short or tall you are...denim underwear are just not. cute. Please realize this one now, world so we can all stop suffering.

Summer construction in Ames before 8am.

I am thankful we live in a clean, wonderful town with perfect roads and amazing parks. BUT CAN WE STOP WITH RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION BEFORE 8AM FOR THE LOVE. kthanks.

Teething toddlers.

Our highs are REALLY HIGH this week and our lows are REALLY LOW. Mav is the happiest guy in the world one minute, melting down crying for an hour at a play date the next. Eating blueberries like a champ one day, throwing them all on the floor in a tantrum the next. Perhaps you saw via Instagram that I read 'The Magic of Motherhood' in less than 48 hours this week...THERE WAS A REASON FOR THAT. We are deep in the teething trenches here, yet again and I was in desperate need of some magic. Thank goodness for Sesame Street, ibuprofen, and the fact that this teething-time-around it's summer and we can be OUTSIDE. #praisehands


1 comment:

  1. LOL. With you on all of it. I do still own a pair of overalls... but I'm not sure why. I can't think of a single reason I would "need" them. Miss hearing this stuff at the office every day. :) Let's go look at more houses so I get to hear more. :)
