Friday, April 17, 2015

What I've Learned After 3 Years in Real Estate

Tami hired my replacement this week and I'm feeling a little...weird. Hence the reflective blog post about my amazing 'day job.' I know not everyone is lucky enough to have a job that they love this much...a job that just feels more like a fun hobby most of the time (except when Tami goes on's DEFINITLEY hard work when Tami goes on vacation ;).

So here are just a few of the fun/quirky/interesting/ridiculous things I've learned over the past three and a half years...
  • Being equal parts sass and professional is acceptable. At least I seem to get away with it in this office. ;)

  • I think I've learned more valuable life skills while working in real estate than I ever learned in college. Interest rates, market stats, home values, the rental market...waaaaay more important stuff to be familiar with for 'real life' than endless nonsense group projects.

  • There are crazy people EVERYWHERE. And the crazy comes in many different forms. So always beware.

  • Being early for certain meetings/events is overrated. It's my new 'thing' to be exactly ON time...perhaps 2-3 minutes fashionably late. There's a realtor in our office who purposely shows up 5-10 minutes late for meetings every week because she knows they don't start on time and the first 10 minutes are usually just chatting and fluff what's the harm?

  • Sometimes people will come into your office with conflicts/frustrations/questions and it's okay to be calm, blunt, and to-the-point...yet respectful and professional. It's spring in real estate, ain't nobody got time for hurt feelings.

  • 'Working By Referral' is a super annoying catch phrase that gets thrown around in this office approx. 219 times per week. But there's actually something to it...guess who else works solely by referral now? Boersma Lawn Care. Cold calls and door signs? Nothanks.

If  you or anyone you know is looking to buy or sell a home, give Tami a call at 515.290.4067 or email at

  • Not everyone signs their emails with exclamation marks and smiley faces...and it doesn't mean that they're mad at you. Who knew?!

  • I never considered myself to be 'tech savvy' but after these three years, I think I've earned that title (thanks to our former tech slave, Sarah Harrison). I've learned so many new shortcuts, Google tricks, and apps that are really handy and make life easier. Of course, being out of this real estate world for a half a second will mean my knowledge is instantly there's that.

  • Tami Hicks is the best boss ever. She's also one of the smartest people I know. And based on the number of people who come to our office to ask her questions all day...I'd say I'm not the only person who thinks that.

  • Professionalism is different than what my 'college textbook definition' would have read...last week Baba and Sarah were killing each other in a real estate transaction and today they're joking around the water cooler. They work hard for their clients, but they can still be friends. I love it.

  • Most people don't know this, but when you've built a relationship with a certain's kind of like cheating on them if you switch to another realtor for no reason...without telling your original realtor why...I think I get more defensive about this than Tami does...and they're not even my clients.

  • Now everyone knows I can boss and lead and talk louder than anyone else to command immediate attention...but turns out, I really love being an assistant! And I haven't just spent all these years assisting Tami Hicks. Assistant cheer coach - check. Assistant to Josh and Boersma Lawn Care - check. Assistant to countless brides - check. Working hard behind the scenes is sort of my calling...which is odd because a few years ago I would have claimed to only love being the STAR OF THE SHOW.

I'll be the first to admit, I've been unbelievably blessed to work for Tami at Century 21. There are days when I spend most of my time shopping and crafting for her...I know, I can't believe it's real life either. I'm excited to stay home and 'play house' for the next few years but I've loved working at C21 with just...THE BEST people. Which is why I think someday I'll be seduced into coming back...perhaps with a license...who knows. ;)


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