Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Our Quest to Become Morning People

The clock is ticking...in approximately 19 weeks, we will have an infant and we are just going to have to grow up. So we've decided we might as well try and start now. This morning we were up at 7, Josh showered, I cleaned, made coffee AT HOME, made his lunch, and met the appliance guy who is currently in my kitchen fixing the leak in our fridge. This is all very un-Josh-and-Mollie-like. I feel like a real grown-up person.

Very weird.

For most people this probably seems totally ridiculous...but for Josh and Mollie, titans of the lawn care industry...our year looks a little different than the regular couple.

January-March: Late nights...bedtime is between 11 and midnight. We get up between 8 and 9.
April-May: Bedtime is between 10:30 and 11:30...we try and get up a little closer to 8 but sometimes accidentally snooze?
June-August: Bedtime gets REAL...some nights absolutely no later than 10. Josh has asked to go to bed WHEN IT'S STILL LIGHT OUT. Wake up call is between 5:30 and 7...though usually I get away with an extra half hour while Josh showers before I get up to make his lunch. I get ample amounts of The Today Show during these months. Every year I think to myself, 'Maybe this is the year I'll become a morning person!" It's never stuck.
September-October: Back to staying up a little later. Lawn care is slower so Josh has more freedom with his schedule. We head to bed between 10:30 and 11:30, and are up around 8...However since we know winter is coming, occasionally we have wild nights where we stay up late, order pizza at midnight with college kids (I'm looking at you Ellyn, Alyssa, and Jamie).
November-December: Okay this is when things REALLY fly off the rails. As many of you know, we love Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Hallmark Christmas movie lineup just MURDERS our ability to establish a normal adult schedule. Oh, "The Magical Christmas Tree" is on until 1am? LET'S WATCH IT BECAUSE CHRISTMAS! There are days we sleep until obscene hours I won't even reveal in this blog post.

Not that any of you cared about our yearly schedule...but does anyone else just throw their inhibitions and responsibility to the wind and pull crap like this? I mean, we're 26 years old and in February we went to London Underground together on a Sunday, and ended the night at LaFuente for chips and salsa and a virgin daiquiri. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US? I think getting married so young while in college might have actually jointly crippled us when it came time to grow up. WE JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN WITH EACH OTHER ALL THE TIME.

I think this incident happened to be around Spring Break when Ames was a ghost town. While we were paying and leaving LaFuente, the employees asked if we went somewhere fun for SB and were shocked when we told them we weren't in college. This led to questions like, 'Oh, but did you go to college here?' 'What do you do now?' 'So you live in Ames and you're not in college?' 'You've been married for five years?!' 'You don't look old enough to be married for that long and having a baby.' BLESS THOSE EMPLOYEES. BEST SPRING BREAK EVER.

And as many of you know, we wouldn't have traded these past five years and our 20's 'growing pains' for anything. Late night thunderstorms; falling asleep by the Christmas tree; dollar theater movies on a whim;16-hour road trips to Wisconsin and back in one weekend...all reasons we don't regret spending the first five years of our marriage childless. Why some marriages fail in the first five years because, 'we got married too young,' and 'we grew into different people,' and 'my spouse changed,' are all THE DUMBEST excuses I've ever heard. I've had the time of my life 'growing up' with Josh Boersma by my side. And there is no one else I would rather tackle this parenting gig with.

Side note: Ya get married, it's a done deal. I frequently remind Josh that he's stuck with me forever. MUAAAAHAHAHA.

I feel like I see two distinct styles when it comes to parenting...parents who live like their lives are OVER and proclaim this to me on a regular basis. Their whole world stops and revolves around new baby. Baby can only eat at a certain time in a certain environment and sleep with a certain sound machine and at a certain temperature. I've observed this and it seems...unhealthy? The other side I see are parents who refuse to believe a baby will change their life and do everything they can to maintain the life they lived before...which...as I've observed...also seems unhealthy? And downright impossible at times. Babies change everything, end of story.

Then there are the parents who fall into the middle somewhere, which is where we will try to land. Of course we know 16-hour road trips with an infant aren't possible. We would be idiots to think otherwise. But also - occasional fun, late nights watching Indiana Jones won't cease to exist as we know them. Kids raised in environments today where parents bow at their feet and move mountains just to keep them happy...not our style ya'll. At the same time we realize we're entering a phase of life where insane trips and parties and schedules will just not be feasible. I've prepared certain family members to expect some changes when it comes to Christmas sleeping arrangements and family 'vacations'...but my goal is to balance everything out in the middle where Josh and I can still pull some shenanigans (in moderation since...you know...we're parents and stuff).

So the growing up is starting with our quest to consistently become, Josh and Mollie Boersma, THE MORNING PEOPLE...with many more changes to follow. ;) Now it's springtime and we are back to bedtimes no later than 11:30...lately much closer to 11. This year our chipper-morning-adult schedule HAS to stick because soon we will have a baby who will become a toddler who will become a preschooler who will eventually become a kindergartener and real parents can't take their kids to school at 10am. So here goes nothing...



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