Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July Adventures

In recent weeks, I have found a direct correlation between my lack of blogging and the lack of rain.

No rain = Dry ground = Dead grass = Josh at home = I get absolutely nothing done...cleaning, crafting, blogging or otherwise. :)

When I say it's been dry, I'm being so serious. We have been watering our grass for HOURS each day (usually because we forget that the sprinkler is on) and Josh hasn't mowed our yard in over three weeks. THREE WEEKS! Good grief. 

However, I'm starting to think this little mid-summer break came at a perfect time for Josh to be able to recharge his batteries and get ready to finish the season. People tend think of lawn care as a spring and summer profession...but Josh will easily be working until mid-November. Which means our season is only about halfway over. 

Blogging started out as an activity to keep me busy while Josh works long hours...and while I love having him home more, I have been really bad at keeping up with my lengthy list of summer projects and goals. I haven't painted anything or completed a project since mid-June. My kitchen cabinets are giving me anxiety. I'm back to being an entire year behind with my scrapbooking. And I need to sew pillow cases for my outdoor pillows.

Did I mention my (insert naughty word here) kitchen cabinets still aren't sanded and stained?!

Lest you think we've been complete lazy bums for the past two weeks...here's a rundown of what we've been up to. 

1. Had a perfect summer weekend (2 weeks ago), complete with sweet corn, a road trip, a movie, walks, a wedding, and a drive around Twin Lakes. People with normal jobs probably get to experience these activities all the time, but it was a special weekend for us! 

2. We purchased an iPad! Josh isn't sure how this happens, but somehow my birthday presents keep coming earlier and earlier. I'm actually sitting at a house for Tami and blogging without my laptop and it's. amazing. 

Thanks to our iPad pro at C21, Sarah Harrison found an app that scans documents and turns them into PDF's...I can scan and upload all of our documents to GoogleDrive and access them from our phones, computer, and iPad at anytime. This means all the bills, receipts, and other annoying cluttery papers and important scraps can be scanned and then THROWN AWAY! 

Am I in heaven?!

3. I logged 40 hours in four days at cheer camp last week with Coach Alison and had a great time with our Winter girls. They did a great job at camp for being a young/rookie squad and Alison and I managed to survive without our fearless leader who had a baby 2 days before the first day of camp. :) We were most proud of our girls for winning the Spirit Award, which meant all the other squads at camp voted to recognize US as the squad with the most spirit! Yay! Dana (and baby) managed to visit on the last day to see our final performances and I used my handy new iPad to video everything all week (the coaching apps I can get on this thing are endless)!

4. Josh hung out with his lifelong friend, Justin Carlson on Sunday night (which has sort of become a tradition) and we had fun catching up, hanging out on the deck, retelling stories I've heard at least 23 times, and getting Fighting Burrito at 2am. I wasn't awake for most of the nights activities, but I'm sure Wedding Crashers was put in and quoted at some point in the evening too. 

5. Last weekend we attended the Franklin County Fair, visited Josh's grandparents on the farm, and went to Manson to put down the 3rd chemical application of the year. My parent's yard is somewhat of a success story this season, as Josh was able to get grass to grow in places that didn't have grass for all 24 years of my life. I'll make sure to post before and after pictures soon. :) We ended the weekend with another drive around the lake and ice cream at The Little Store. 

But seriously...who wants to go halfsies on a lake house with us...???

No one...???

You're all dead to us.


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