Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Lazy Iced Coffee

Coffee snobs everywhere will be gagging on their afternoon espresso as they read this, but as I was putting together my usual afternoon iced coffee...I thought to myself, "Self. This is so easy and good. You should write a quick blog about it."

Here's my Lazy Iced Coffee recipe, that's not really a recipe at all...

Step One: Make a nice, dark, full pot of coffee.

Step Two: As soon as coffee is done dripping, turn off the heat.

Step Three: Drink one morning cup while coffee is still warm.

Step Four: Let coffee pot sit on the counter to cool for the rest of the morning.

Step Five: Put pot in the fridge around noon or whenever you remember.

Step Six: Lay baby down for nap and get jacked for your afternoon iced coffee.

Step Seven: Put four ice cubes in a glass.

Step Eight: Pour cold coffee over ice.

Step Nine: Throw in 2-3 'magic drops' (my nickname, see photo).

Step Ten: Add a few drops of your favorite creamer.

Optional Step Eleven: If you're feeling really crazy, you can add a little Redi-Whip to the top of your iced coffee...which I never buy, but a can has strangely appeared in my fridge and I'll be honest, I'm not upset about it. After a particularly awful night (I realized it was pouring at 1am and the stroller needed to be rescued from sitting outside + a LOUD thunder crack woke up Mav around 2am = I was wiiiiide awake until FOUR AM), sometimes whip cream on your afternoon coffee is NECESSARY FOR DAILY ADULTING.

My favorite flavor in the summer + the aforementioned magic drops. 

Because I make a full pot at a time, I only drink about two cups per day, and I'm the only coffee-drinker in our house...that pot lasts me two to three days or more. Giving me so much iced coffee goodness, perfect for these hot summer days. Some people get all grossed out by old coffee...but I swear...this is actually pretty good. Give it a try and let me know if you like it. ;)



  1. I love iced coffee, it's the only thing that gets me through my weekend of overnights. I want to know more about those sweet drops though. Is it like concentrated sweetener specifically for coffee?

    1. It's stevia sweetener that you can use in anything! I just like the different flavors and stuff for coffee. :) The sweetness withouth the calories. You can get it online or in the 'organic' department at HyVee.

  2. Great thanks! I'll have to try it out😉
