Saturday, October 5, 2013

Tonsillectomy - Part 1

It's been 10 days since my tonsillectomy and last night Josh proclaimed, "Wow, it's like you're a real person again. You're walking around and eating and everything!"

Last night it took me about 45 minutes to eat three Little Ceasar's bread sticks because of all the chewing that was involved...but they. were. delightful. It was literally like tasting heaven after a diet that only consisted of pain medicine, some noodles, Popsicles, and broth for the past ten days. I'm actually not kidding...I did not eat ANYTHING 'real' for 10 entire you can imagine my depression to find that I've only lost about 10 pounds. Totally lame. But some good motivation for the elliptical once I'm feeling better!

The past couple months when I would inform people about my tonsillectomy, family and friends immediately asked, "WHY are you getting those out now?!" Let me explain...

My tonsils, specifically my right one, have been a problem for some time. Let me paint you a word picture...My tonsil had big holes in it where food and gunk would get stuck. The right one also ached constantly...not necessarily like a 'sore throat'...but an achiness that was just always there. I went to my regular doctor, who referred me to the Ear Nose and Throat Doctor, who used his head-flashlight to take a five-second look into my throat and said, "Yep those need to come out." He went on to explain that when I had mono, my tonsils got really swollen. Then after I was better, (brace yourself for another word picture) my tonsils were like a fat person who lost a lot of weight but had leftover wavy skin flaps everywhere...just lovely.

So this was my thought process:

1. If the doctor says they need to come out, they probably should. I know that's not reason enough for everyone, but it's usually reason enough for me.

2. Unless you've been living under a rock, you are probably somewhat informed about what is happening in this country concerning health care. I figured it was a good idea to get this done while I still can...with the rock star insurance we pay up the butt for we have now before it's too late.

3. I could put this off for a few years until I'm older and...we have kids running around that need to be dropped off at school and soccer and dance and sleepovers and doctor appointments and they need to be fed and bathed and potty trained and fed and bathed and I can't do any of it because I'm dead to the world for 10+ days after a tonsillectomy...

...yea I figured now would be as good of a time as any.

Beware, my next post will feature a post-tonsillectomy picture of my tonsil-less throat. It's pretty awesome. And gross. Soooo awesome and gross. All my visitors have either seen this picture, or seen it in real-time and the only person who was really bothered by it was Josh's brother Caleb. I even showed my boss! But view at your own risk. :)

I woke up at noon today and all I've done is shower, wash a pan, and get the mail...and I'm exhausted. It's just ridiculous.


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