Friday, October 4, 2013 Pt. 2

In case you missed part one here it is.

I'll start with a picture of my favorite part of our house...

Our dining room! I love how much fall charm is packed into this corner. I've had the table cloth, the glittery pumpkins and little candles that are on our table for the past three years. They were all picked up at Wal-Mart the day before we hosted our first Thanksgiving. :) Which also meant they were on SUPER sale since usually most fall decor has disappeared from store shelves by November 1st.

Again, I just cut off some burlap and frayed the edges to make a table-runner. The center-piece is a pretty and long tea-light candle holder that I picked up at Leftovers (more on this in another blog...basically Leftovers is an indoor 'garage sale' where people donate their stuff and then other people come to shop, buy the stuff, and everything we make goes toward sponsoring kids in Africa). It adds just enough height but it's small enough that I don't have to move it off the table every time we have people over.

They're kind of hard to see in this picture, but I collect glasses and bottles and jars of all sizes and shapes, and then cover them with twine. If you missed my enthralling tutorial on how easy and cheap it is to wrap bottles with twine, here it is. I spaced them out all over the house and filled them with coffee beans. I put tea lights in every jar so when they're lit, it warms the coffee beans a little and smells like heaven in the house (thanks Pinterest).

The brown wicker pumpkins I have scattered all over the house were found last year at Target at the One Spot for $3/each...and every time they were re-stocked, I bought a couple more. I think I ended up with six or seven.

I get out my dried hydrangeas in March and leave them up around our house until November. They add some 'bigness' to every background, and I love how poofy and hearty they are. I've had them for about three years, and I literally throw them in a box and put them in the basement during the winter. When I get them back out they shed some petals on the carpet while I rearrange them...but end up looking great.

I've somehow ended up with six of the exact same garland from Hobby Lobby, and they were all bought during different years! It's been easier to add to my collection a little over time, and I'm thrilled that Hobby Lobby keeps their decor consistent and I can almost always count on what they will have each season. I get these garlands for $12.99, but use my 40% off coupon on top of kills me that the 'real-looking' garlands can be so expensive, but I don't think these ones look too 'fakey'.

My tonsils came out nine days ago, and I had dreams of blogging to my hearts content, but all I've been able to accomplish is finishing the last paragraph of this post that's been in my drafts for more than two weeks. Throat. Still. Hurts. Immensely. But I'll save the gory details of that experience for another blog.