Monday, September 9, 2013

Three. Years.

Josh and I have been married now for three and a half years, and yes, we are still naturally this cute.

OKAY FINE that's a lie...we did do this but Nikki didn't have her phone we re-enacted the moment on command. Still adorable. Whatever.

We also decided that a convertible Mustang is the only truly sensible car for our future family.



So we've been noticing a trend in married couples our age. They're getting divorced right around the THREE YEAR mark. Which is terrifying...especially since the other observation that goes along with this is that it's the wife who goes completely berserk. I've had this conversation with friends and family, and they seem to be noticing the same thing.

I can think of three 'wild and crazy' things I've done so far during our third year of marriage. 1. Painted the kitchen gray because on a Monday I decided I was done with it being tan and red...and by Saturday it was gray. 2. Told Josh I want a small, black cross tattoo behind my right ear, to which he dramatically replied, "Oh great. This is how it's been three years and you're about to go crazy." And 3. Back in April I dyed my hair dark brown, and I'm thinking about doing it again.

I really live life on the edge.

But seriously...Three years. Wife goes crazy. Couple gets divorced. Absolute heartbreak.

No one's marriage is perfect. In fact, just last week Josh and I had a day-long fight via text about nothing important. Seeing young marriages all around us fail for the dumbest reasons tends to put things in perspective so we went on a date to B-Dubs and made up (thanks for the gift card mom and dad). Sharing 24 boneless wings can pretty much fix anything. And yes, judge us for using text messaging, but it's been our preferred arguing method since our dating college also leads to more convenient arguing during work hours and while people are living with us so we can have our 'discussion' in silence via text message from across the room while watching a movie and carrying on with guests. #dysfunctional

I think this sort of thing used to be called 'The Seven Year Itch' but not for my generation, no no...apparently my generation is only willing to work at something for three years before giving up. So now it's down to being a Three Year Itch. Does anyone else see this happening and think it's ridiculous?! THERE ARE STILL WEDDING PICTURES HANGING ON OUR WALL FOR GOODNESS SAKE! 

Staying married is easy. Step one: Get married...........................................there is no step two. You are married TO. THE. SAME. PERSON. until you die. 

Sometimes your husband will get annoyed at you for not washing his pants when he had an entire weekend to himself to do his laundry, but he didn't remember, and that is apparently your fault. An easy solution to this would be to buy more pants, but said husband wishes to only own one pair of pants.

Sometimes your wife will bump into your trailer with her Ford Focus and now there are some permanent scuff marks on the back of her bumper, but it was early in the morning and there was nothing on the trailer, so it was hard to see, okay?! Either way, these arguments are not grounds for divorce. They're grounds for a shopping trip to Kohl's and...probably not a new car because that wife doesn't seem like a very good driver...but just be nice to her because she didn't mean to run into that trailer that one time.

The worst part about all of this is that these 10 couples I'm thinking about are all believers. Why is there even a place for divorce in the church? Why is it even an option? ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT READING THE BOOKS I GIVE THEM FOR THEIR SHOWERS AND WEDDING PRESENTS?! Yes, in my old age I've become that lame. Books for wedding's like I'm 46.

**Two favorites: This Momentary Marriage by Jon Piper and Created to be His HelpMeet by some hippie woman that I can't remember her name right now. Google it...okay fine, I just Googled it and the author is Debi Pearl.**

This post didn't really have a point...except that I needed a social media outlet for venting because I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed at dumb girls who think they missed out on some sort of Noah-from-the-Notebook fairy tale because there's something better out there than what they have. That fantasy only applies if you think you're as gorg as Allie Hamilton, and chances are you're not because that movie isn't real life and no one wears that much lipstick anymore anyway. 

Disclaimer: The Notebook is a classic and one of my faves, but that part where she goes on and on and ON about being a bird? It's totally weird and I could have done without it.

All seven of you who read this blog have my permission to PUNCH ME IN THE FACE if you ever think I might be starting to lose it. I'm being so serious.

Fall in love. Plan a Pinterest wedding. TAKE VOWS. And shut up. 

Please step into my fairy tale for a moment and meet my version of Noah Calhoun.

I just can't even.


**I realize there are extenuating circumstances where divorce might be the only option like abuse, etc. I don't want to judge situations I don't know anything about, I just see Satan attacking marriages every single day and it's sad and these are my thoughts. If you have thoughts, you should start a blog and I would promise to read it.**


  1. Oh Mollie I loved reading this post! I about died from laughter when I read "Fall in love. Plan a Pinterest wedding. TAKE VOWS. And shut up." Marriage is hard work but it's so rewarding... of course there are going to be fights and bad days but that's marriage in fact that's any relationship! Great post and love the picture of you two - so cute!

  2. Haha awww thanks LeeAnn! :)
