Wednesday, September 4, 2013


What happened to summer?! Sometimes there is so much for me to write about, that I end up having everything and nothing to write about at the same time. Sometimes I compose wonderfully written blogs in my head when I can't sleep, but I don't want to wake Josh up with the light from the iPad, so I act like I'll remember them for the next morning but of course, I never do. So I will try and keep this post short...except not that.

We are still experiencing the worst drought in the history of our little lawn care company. Pray it rains. A LOT. I know that seems lame to talk about the weather in the first paragraph of a blog , but our life literally depends on the weather. BLC needs to squeeze in two more chemical applications, and neither of them will be possible if we don't get more rain AND it continues to be this hot. That just cannot happen. Josh also has a lot of aerating jobs on his schedule that he can't do if it's still this dry...PRAY. IT. RAINS.

To expound, on the title of this post...Josh and I will probably never look back on summer  2013 and say, 'Wow, what happy special memories we have of that summer,' because it has been dry, horrible, and stressful to the point of high blood pressure. It's by God's grace that BLC has survived these past two summers, and we continue to trust and learn that His plan for us is always better than our plan for us.

{422 13TH ST NEWS}
We finally got rid of one roomate, but gained another...Dan moved in on August 1st and Jamie moved on August 19th. Lots of moving, packing, organizing, and planning happened in the past 30 days. So it's a good thing I'm awesome at all four of those things. I'm not always awesome at 'keeping it together' and the three preciouses that live with me experienced a slight meltdown mid-month about the time when this blog post came about. #yolo

Here is a small dose of what I accomplished at Jamie's apartment:

We don't close on our acreage for another month and half, so we've been doing some research and preparing for all the hard work we will have once October 18th comes. I've mentally prepared both of my parents and my sister for a big cleaning/tearing apart/working weekend on October 19th. Consider this your open invitation to join in on all the hard work fun. In case you missed that big Boersma life update, here it is.

I get my tonsils out on Thursday, September 26th. I was preparing myself for it to be a pretty bad experience, and I felt like my doctor did a good job of warning me about what I will be going through. Then my friend Kylie (who is a nurse that works with kids who have cancer all day) texted me, 'Why are you doing that? That's a horrible surgery!" and I've entered into a whole new level of terror. My mom is coming to stay for four days. Send flowers.

Josh and his roofing-friend, Joe, roofed my parent's house last Friday and Saturday. It was hot and horrible, but Josh is really making an effort to stay busy during this pathetic excuse for a summer. I accomplished two solid days of crafting and salsa-making with my mom, so that was a plus. Our jobs also included refilling water bottles; making sure everyone had enough potassium and electrolytes; making sure my dad didn't get heat stroke while working on the roof like a 25-year-old; and feeding the roofers who refused to eat as much as we wanted to feed one fell off or experienced heat exhaustion, so I'd say it was a success.

Here's how we polished off my mom's new and improved laundry room:

We had a great day on the boat with Josh's family on Sunday, and then came back to the house for bruschetta and some catching up with our friends Brady and Jen (who live about 5 minutes away from Josh's parents). We ended the night with a fire pit and headed back to Ames to sleep in on Labor Day.

Monday was spent cleaning, crafting, clearing our house of it's spring and summer decor and decorating for fall! It was a beautiful day to have the windows open and drink cider while I crafted and decorated with my sister as my assistant. Basically what happens when I 'decorate' for my two favorite seasons (fall and Christmas) is just a lot of wandering around my house for about six hours staring and moving one pumpkin around eight times before I find where I want it to go...then I move on to the next item. Jamie follows around after me affirming or questioning my decorating choices. It's a pretty good system and lately she doesn't even get annoyed at me when I go to move the same pumpkin for an eighth time.

I'll save most of these pictures for another post where I obsess about fall, but here is a little taste of what my house looks like as of September 4th 2013:

Say what you will about me jumping the gun on my fall decorating (*cough*cough*Katie*Lauren*), but once pools close for the year, summer is dead to me. I have nothing to live for. Such is life for a pool rat.

The highlight of my day today was being hugged by one of Tami's clients after helping her clean and pack up her house, where she spent the last 40 years. I don't think there is a more adorable woman...and I was happy that my JOB for the majority of the past month was blessing this client with my gift for organizing. This lady's children and grandchildren haven't been around to help, so Tami and I fell into fell into that role, helping sort things into 'keep,' 'donate,' and 'garbage' piles day after day. I listened to stories while we sorted her deceased husband's journals from medical school; helped teach her about her new iPad; and looked through pictures of their family's cottage at Okoboji...She told me about all her wedding dishes and I heard stories about her twin grandchildren who she is excited to be close to when she moves to Oregon. Yes, my job for the past two weeks was to be a pretend-grandchild, and it was just fantastic. Today she hugged me and Tami and cried a little, and it just made my entire week...probably my month. :)

In other news, Josh and I will be watching Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin tonight...just get over it.


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