Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Interview with Maverick 3.0

Well I officially registered our PRESCHOOLER for 5-days-a-week preschool in the fall and I can't believe how big our buddy is getting. He knows so much stuff. He tells me about the stuff he knows all. day. long. It's become abundantly clear in the past 2-3 months that he is going to be READY FOR SCHOOL. I appreciate that it's so obvious with him. He is tired of me all day every day, and while he's always been an excellent independent-player, he's gotten super restless and crotchety and irrigated that I don't spend every day playing WITH him lately (which has never been the way we roll in this house). He'd go to preschool tomorrow if I'd let him because all he talks about is his red school and going to preschool to play with trains and see animals. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be a fairly seamless transition.

So every once in awhile during breakfast I take some time to "interview" him and record his answers for the fun of it. And to help me document and remember everything about this toddler-stage. I need to get better questions...he answers them faster than I can think of what to ask next! But we're working on names, where everyone lives, and details about where Mav lives.

He told me yesterday he misses his townhouse and that he'd like to go back there and I told him we couldn't because new friends live we looked at pictures of our townhouse together and I wanted to cry a little. He's so smart and I can't believe everything he remembers!

What's your favorite toy?
McQueen Truck.

What's your favorite food?
Crunchies and granola bar and bandit and McQueen and cups.

What street do you live on?
Thiessen's Street.

What town do you live in?
Ankeny, Iowa? Glory to God!

What town does Nana live in?
Ankeny stoop.

Where do we take our cars to be fixed?
To Schaffer's.

Where do we go to church?
Get donuts?

Where does G'ma and G'pa Manson live?
Manson! And G'pa lives in his work too and so does G'ma.
My house is close to my friends' house! Close to Beckett's house!

What is your favorite show?
Paw Patrol.

What's your favorite place to go?
The nail place. And turn on Paw Patrol.

What do you like to do outside?
Eat snow!

What's your favorite song to sing?
Bob Tomato song and Polar Express song.

I'm so excited to see all the new things he learns and accomplishes and tries this year!


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