Monday, August 13, 2018

An Interview with Maverick

Today at the pool I just started asking Mav a bunch of questions while we were eating lunch. And because I thought it would be fun to clue Josh in on what we talk about all day every day, I started typing it in a text message to him.

Talking to him is so fun. We talk all day every day about everything. It's nonstop. And sometimes it's more than I can handle and I let moments slip by where I'm working on something while Maverick jabbers in the background but when I stop and have an actual conversation with my precious little's just the best.

He is the sweetest, most articulate little almost-three-year-old I know. I can't even think of all the amazing things he surprises me with every day. And because I'm feeling a small tinge of mom-guilt due to how LITTLE I've written about him over the past six's a post all about our BabyMav.

...who's not a baby at all anymore, but he gets called baby almost exclusively, and who's third birthday party I just finished planning.

What do you like about the pool?
Doing the big slides.

What do you like about church?

What do you like about our new house?
Playing with Millie and Remy.

What do you like doing with daddy when he's home?
Playing toys with daddy.

What's your favorite thing?
Riding my Gator.

What do you like about summer?
Playing my Gator in the summer and I like going to the orchard!
*We need to work on understanding seasons*

What's your favorite show?
Uhhh Thomas and Friends!

What's your favorite food?

What do you like about going to Manson?
Grandma and Grandpa.

What do you like doing at Nana's house?
Playing Jackson Storm.

What's your favorite book?
Washington DC.

What do you like about going to the farm?
Play tractors.

Do you like the new house or the town house better?
*We keep asking him this and his answer is the same every time and IT BREAKS OUR HEARTS because we miss our sweet townhouse too*

What did you like about the townhouse?
Playing my toys.

What was your favorite thing about the fair?

What's your favorite thing to wear?
Thomas the Tank one.
*This is a hideous shirt he found at a thrift store on Saturday that I just couldn't buy*

Are you excited to be three?
Yes I am.

Are you excited to have a train party?

Ohhhh sweet buddy. You are more precious than you will ever know. Talking to you and learning about you and loving you is my favorite.


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