Friday, January 19, 2018

What's Saving My Life Right Now

I can't fully and accurately describe everything that has transpired in the past six weeks since we offered on our house, came under contract for said house, then closed on that house, and immediately started renovating the house. All in the middle of celebrating Christmas. What is our life. It's six weeks I certainly won't ever want to relive (and the following six will be 100% survival mode as well) but we've half-survived this renovation aaaand at some point I'll recount the whole process for you. But today is not that day.

Anyway, Jen Hatmaker asks this question to all of her guests at the end of every one of her podcasts (more on that later)...'What's the ONE thing that is saving your life right now?' and it can be frivolous or serious or anything you want it to be...I have three. And here they are:

1. Chick-Fil-A.

Are you even surprised. We opened our mail the other day to find that the owners of our Ames CFA had sent us a giant envelope with the 2018 Calendar + a handful of gift cards for meals and desserts and even a catering tray. I almost cried. They were just sending a simple Christmas thank you to all their partners and vendors (Josh does their lawn + irrigation + snow) without having any idea HOW MUCH OF A BLESSING THIS IS IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR HOME RENOVATION. I immediately saw at least four solid meals I wouldn't have to juggle or 'plan' (or pay for!) for the three of us when we're always on the go and living/working between houses. The timing literally couldn't have been more perfect.

2. Podcasts.

Thank you LORD for the invention of podcasts prior to this home renovation. While we were deep in the throes of renovating the last acreage four years ago (which we still's currently a rental, the plan changed at some point and I didn't updated you all which has led to some's a whole thing) all we had was crappy Pandora for hours on end. Now I have an endless choice of episodes and content and really amazing stuff to listen to while I'm painting my life away. I throw in Cornerstone and Village Church sermons here and there to keep things interesting. It's made the time go by SO FAST while I work!

For the Love with Jen Hatmaker
Risen Motherhood
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey (she interviews a lot of celebs who are Christians and I can't get enough of it)

3. Our people.

Our people are the best. My prayer is that I can turn around in March when we're done with our house renovation and be as good of a friend to our people as they've been to us. It's caused quite a bit of self-reflection as I wonder if I've been as quick to serve and help and offer my time selflessly as my friends and family have. When I walk through our house I can point to rooms I've painted and projects that have gotten accomplished already because someone was willing to come help or keep Mav for a morning so we could work...and I love that I'll remember that forever!

More than anything, our heart behind this whole crazy project is to open our home to anyone and everyone. Josh is already brainstorming the best way to sleep the most people under our roof and host giant family gatherings and it's so precious. As I've spent most of my week painting and listening to podcasts I also spend time praying over each room (I'll be honest, this is going to get old...I'll need to paint each room approximately three times before it's all said and done and that's NOT counting the three coats I have to do on all the trim)...that my attitude while I'm doing laundry in our laundry room would always be gracious and grateful..that time spent in the family room with people we love would be Christ-honoring and encouraging...that my time invoicing in the office/sunroom would always be done with a heart that's eager to serve my husband...and that everyone who walks through the farmhouse screen door into our house would find a home that radiates love, hospitality, grace, and creativity.

When I think about the past seven years we spent at our house in Ames...I *think* I can look back and say that we were faithful with little. But now I am honestly so excited and ready for this next season where we get to be faithful with much.


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