Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fall Reading List + Book Recommendations

In my head it feels like I 'just' posted my little reading blog...when in reality the last time I posted my book reviews was THE END OF JUNE. How does that happen?!

I've had slower reading weeks and busier reading weeks...times when I'm more motivated to keep plowing through and times when I would just rather fold laundry and watch Gilmore Girls. And I'm convinced both are acceptable in moderation. Overall I like to think I'm balancing recreational reading with my actual Bible reading and keeping the rest of my priorities in order. Though, I'll admit when I read Women of the Word a few weeks ago, we lived in a frat house for three days while I read and underlined like a crazy person. I didn't leave the couch. It's fine.

Here's what I accomplished reading during the second half of my summer and so far this fall!

1. Of Mess and Moxie, Jen Hatmaker

I cannot fully explain how much I loved this book. A PERFECT mix of humor and heavy (it's written as a collection of essay's), Jen just speaks my language. I desperately wish we could be real-life-friends (note how I just casually called her Jen)...but since we can't, reading this and listening to her podcast all summer has to be good enough. I read the whole thing in three days, but I've been going through it as a 'book club' via Facetime every Monday night with Jamie and Sarah. Which is just the best.

2. Hosea

After finishing Romans in August I tackled Hosea because I hadn't before. It was excellent. God is so merciful and persistent and patient. It's quickly become one of my favorite books of the Bible.

3. Present Over Perfect, Shauna Niequist

I'll be honest about this one...it wasn't my fave. I mean, there were PARTS that were good and resonated with me (the general idea of slowing down, saying no to stuff, being present in the wonderful life you're living, prioritizing what's MOST important). But it was too much fluff and not enough meat. Not to mention, it's essentially the same book as Nothing to Prove, minus the strong Biblical basis.

4.  The Magic of Motherhood, Ashlee Gadd

SUCH A GOOD READ. One of my favorites from this summer. It's a beautiful coffee-table book, tons of wonderful pictures + stories, similar to Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul but for the mom of 2017. I laughed out loud, I cried while sitting in Maverick's swimming pool, and I finished it in less than a week.

5. Humble Roots, Hannah Anderson

I'll need to read this again. Maybe I was in a reading-rut this summer when I took on this book...maybe I should have done it in a book-club for better comprehension/discussion. It's GOOD and I would 100% recommend, but it was a hard one for me to get through. And I'm not sure why...it's short, but it's INTENSE. Have a notebook ready.

6. Women of the Word, Jen Wilkin

I am forever a Jen Wilkin fan after this book. I will read it again over and over and I will throw it at anyone who hasn't read it yet IT'S THAT GOOD. Main take-away, 'The heart cannot love what the mind does no know.' Buy it from Amazon or borrow my copy...and be prepared to realize fresh tools and motivation for studying your Bible.

7. Grace Not Perfection, Emily Ley

This book is filled with PRACTICAL tools for organizing and scheduling and planning a busy life filled with good things but maybe 'too many' things. Written from the perspective that there's grace to cover every minute of our days spent momming, even when we fail. She tackles everything from laundry to meal planning to Sunday-pick-ups around the house to prepare for the week ahead. I would especially recommend this for the full-time-working mom.

8.  The Mingling of Souls, Matt and Lauren Chandler

I read this book and listened to the matching Village Church sermons that Matt Chandler did over the summer. It was great! Nothing really 'new' or earth-shattering for me, but I would still recommend. Listening to the podcast alongside the reading helped.

9. The Hidden Art of Homemaking, Edith Schaffer

Perhaps I should have had slightly lower-expectations of this book. It's so good! The chapters on interior decorating and painting and writing and gardening and cooking...LOVED. But it's an older book...so it's charming, but also not totally realistic for the toddler-life I live. I could be looking at it all wrong, I don't know. When I got to the chapter that suggested learning how to make your own candles and building your children's toys I was kind of like, 'oooookay this is too precious for me.'

10. Open Your Bible, She Reads Truth

This is so pathetic to admit, but last summer when I was in this Bible study I maybe finished half of the homework. I don't know why. It was a great study led by amazing women. I was just in a really different place a year ago. So after I finished Hosea I circled back around to this workbook to plow through the unfinished places so I could put it back on my shelf 'finished.' I'd recommend this study for sure! But it's probably best done with a group.

11. Take Hold of The Faith you Long For, Sharon Jaynes

This book was written by the gal who is coming to speak at the conference I always decorate for in November (the one at my home-church!). I really wanted to read the book that is the theme for her sessions for the day to get a better grasp on the direction for the decor. If you think decorating is just about pretty stuff, you have no idea how much MORE it is than that. It took a while (it's kind of long), but I finished it and would give it a three-star rating? Maybe it's because Nothing to Prove was so perfect, but it kind of reiterated all of that, just in a much LONGER wordy way.

12. New Morning Mercies, Paul David Tripp

This is the one I hit if I don't have time for in-depth study time during my day. It's EXCELLENT. I'd highly recommend...to the point where I'm pretty sure it's what most of our family members will be getting in their Christmas stockings.

Guys my Amazon cart is so insane. 2017 is the year I developed a book problem and I'm not mad about it. Here's what's on my list and what I'm currently working on:

1 & 2 Samuel, She Reads Truth (going through this now with my favorite girls)
Grace Based Parenting, Tim Kimmel
The Perfectly Imperfect Home: How to Decorate and Live Well, Deborah Needleman
In His Image, Jen Wilkin
Slow Down, Nicole Nordeman
The Nesting Place, Myquillin Smith
Mom Enough, Desiring God
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that can Radically Change your Family, Paul David Tripp
Loving the Little Years, Rachel Jankovic
Treasuring Christ when your Hands are Full, Gloria Furman
The Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller
This Momentary Marriage, John Piper
Alive in Him, Gloria Furman
Seamless study, Lifeway
Redeeming Love, Francine Rivers
Capital Gaines, Chip Carter Gaines (I'll be reading this one out loud to Josh on our Galena trip)
Instructing a Child's Heart, Ted Tripp
Sacred Parenting, Gary Thomas
Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas
What did you Expect?, Paul David Tripp
Missional Motherhood, Gloria Furman
None Like Him, Jen Wilkin
Glory in the Ordinary, Courtney Ressig
Show them Jesus, Jack Klumpenhower
Sisters First, Jenna Bush Hager
Born is the King, SRT 2015 Advent Study (starting this one November 1st!)

Let me know if you ever want to borrow anything from my growing library!


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