Friday, December 2, 2016

Christmas Letter 2016

By now this little letter has hit the mailboxes of our friends and it was time to share on the blog!

Merry Christmas from the Boersma family!

We've had a crazy, beautiful, fun, blessed's a little about what's been going on at 422 13th St...

Josh: To say Josh has been 'busy' would be the understatement of the year. He works all day, every day, and when he's not working...he feels like he should be working because there is always so much to do! I regularly remind him that he has this 'problem' because people love him so much. He argues that's not the case...but he can't help that he's so popular and adorable! I think we both agree it's been a bit of a struggle for him to find balance between being a husband, a daddy, operating a successful business, and trying to relax...especialy since he's not known for doing anything 'halfway.' So honestly, there's not a whole lot of balance in our lives when it comes to BLC but it's the season we're in. God has greatly blessed Josh (and the business he started when he was 12!) again this year, and we are so thankful.

Highlights for Josh this year include: Shooting guns whenever possible; purchasing a truck from his Uncle Rick; grilling and eating steak from G'pas cows; drives around Twin Lakes; family walks around downtown Ames; seeing Switchfoot twice; & when Maverick does anything remotely exciting.

Mollie: I would say this past year has literally been a dream come true. It's finally my job to stay home and 'play house' and I'm thrilled about it. Josh keeps me busy with voicemails, billing, and some marketing for BLC. Maverick keeps me busy demanding three meals + entertainment all day every day. They both dirty more laundry and make bigger messes in our living room than you would even believe, but I love that it's my job to take care of them. Coffee dates with other moms, craft projects large and small, and decorating for showers and weddings (eight this year!) all keep me plenty busy. I've had a lot of fun jumping into serve on Sunday's at D6, joining women's Bible study, and spending Tuesday mornings in the Cornerstone gym with tons of other mom's their kiddos, and our coffee. It's a little crazy how good of a 'fit' this mommy thing is for me...I don't think I could love being home and taking care of my boys more.

Highlights for Mollie this year include: A fall trip with Josh to Galena; planning & celebrating Maverick's first birthday; finally sleeping through the night; a new washer & dryer; skipping rental turnover due to consistent (and clean!) renters; & as always...writing this letter & decorating for Christmas way too early.

Maverick: Our sweet baby turned one on September 1st and it's impossible to believe the year went by so fast. He's changed so I write this he's jabbering and 'walking' around the coffe table. He's happy to play for 30+ minutes by himself; puts himself to sleep easily for naps and night; and is pretty easy going unless he's working on a tooth. He doesn't like vegetables (like dad) and only wants to eat bread, pasta, and fruit (like mom) we're working on that. The most challenging part of our year was that Maverick didn't sleep 12 hours through the night until he hit 10 months...despite our best efforts to follow all the 'rules' and do everything 'right...apparently even BabyWise babies pull this kind of crap. He loves playing in his classroom on Sunday's at church, throwing everything he's handed on the ground, the vacuum, walks around our neighborhood, and being my adorable side-kick wherever we go.

Highlights for Maverick this year include: Learning to crawl on his first birthday; seeing puppies every week at the Farmer's Market; going to the fair; being babysat by fun Salt girls, grandparents, and Auntie Jamie; watching Charlie Brown with dad; & going on dates with mom to Chick-Fil-A.

With the beauty of the Christmas season comes hope in the promise of our Savior, Jesus. We pray if you haven't, this is the year you find that hope. Wishing you a Merry Christmas............Josh, Mollie and Maverick

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