Tuesday, April 12, 2016

If loving Nap Jail is wrong...I don't wanna be right

My cute little Nap Jail prisoner.

I want to proclaim my love for Nap Jail from the rooftops.

I LOVE BEING TRAPPED AT HOME. I've found Nap Jail to be one of the best parts about being a new mom.

Most of you probably think this is odd...Isn't Mollie an extrovert, you ask? Doesn't she love running errands and seeing people and being busy?

I already told you my thoughts on being busy just for busyness sake. So to answer all of that...shockingly, no I am not and no, no, no I do not. I love being stuck inside my house to clean the kitchen and catch up on billing and drink my coffee and fold laundry while I watch The Today Show during Maverick's morning nap. Lately I've had a bunch of calls and emails to return for Josh while Maverick naps, so that's even more reason for me to make sure I have my butt at home by the end of Mav's awake-time.

Time. At home. Alone. 


I say things like..."I'll need to be home by 3:00 for Maverick's nap." But really what I'm saying is, "I need to be home by 3:00 so Mollie gets alone time to scrub the toilets then read a book because quiet time in a clean, pretty house makes for a happier mommy." Plus...if Mav cranks out two perfect, two-hour naps...he sleeps waaaay better at night. It's all just a win-win-win. NAP JAIL I LOVE YOU AND OUR TIME TOGETHER!

I absolutely love our mommy-Maverick rhythm. Two hours awake, two-hour nap, repeat in the afternoon...There are some days when the schedule doesn't work and Maverick needs to catch a nap in the car or he's late/early going down based on what we have happening...but the four glorious hours of peace and quiet I have at home to do ma'stuff...it's one of the big reasons this SAHM gig is so thrilling for me. 

I'm part of a Babywise group on Facebook and posts pop up in my newsfeed all the time...horror stories of babies who will only take 45 minutes naps (feel the sarcasm in that sentence or it just seems dramatic instead of funny). My heart instantly goes out to that poor mama who doesn't get to make her bed every morning and clean her bathrooms in peace and quiet. Three, 45-minute increments to accomplish everything that needs to be done around the house for the day?! I can't imagine. Maverick has certainly spoiled me in this area (he's been a punk when he's awake lately, that's a blog post for another day), but I might as well paint a shelf with the precious time he gives me. If for nothing else, to honor the fallen mom's out there who can't get any of their projects done because their naughty babies won't nap. I'm doing this for all of you. 

Not to mention, Josh would GIVE ANYTHING to have more time at home...so I make darn sure I'm using every second of my time wisely.

I shower every other day (ish?) and find that the time I save by not showering and blow drying my hair every day (blow drying my hair was the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE when I was working at C21) means I can afford to take a nice looooong shower during Maverick's morning nap. This is the beauty of the One Baby Season I'm in right now...no toddler stealing my morning nap time from me! I plan to take advantage of it for as long as I can. I take an absurdly-long shower, shave my legs, leave my conditioner in for 10 minutes...and it's all during nap time! If I've prioritized everything else and I'm only doing this every two days...it's completely acceptable in my opinion.

Josh doesn't believe me because he showers FOUR TIMES in the two days when I shower once...but it's better for my hair, skin, and nails too! Is anyone else on my side with this? Two showers a day is insane. TMI for all of you? Perhaps...

One of the many things I can accomplish from Nap Jail...

Nap Jail is the literal best. thing. Sure it ties me down, but the stay-at-home part of being a mom, implies that I stay-at-home as part of my J.O.B. Slacking on the laundry and dishes in the name of fun coffee dates and shopping is not a good recipe for success in this house. So at home in Nap Jail is where I'll be for the next few months...and I actually love it.


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