Thursday, July 31, 2014

Busy Summer Stuff

Fall is starting to gradually creep into my heart, people. And I have been doing everything in my power to SHUT THOSE FEELINGS DOWN. I love summer so much but I just helped my mother-in-law order her Christmas cards which put me in the mood to start writing our Christmas letter. And then the other night while Josh and Caleb were watching a scary movie, I went into our bedroom, sewed some buttons on our duvet, and watched..............................The Holiday.

So. To keep my love for fall and Christmas dormant for a little bit longer (I need to hold on until September 15th before the leaf garlands come out)...I present to you highlights of our summer, thus far:

To kick off the summer we had a bonfire with these fresh Cyclone grads. Well...most of them are alumni, there are a couple in here who aren't, but that just means we get to keep them around for a little longer.

Josh turned 26 and we celebrated with his favorite, French Silk Pie from Perkin's.

My liberal-hippie-Colorado-friend Ellen came to visit! We've seen her twice this summer!

The Boersma's threw a wedding. And we got another seester! Meet Hannah BOERSMA.

We took my dad on pre-planned day-trip all over central Iowa visiting Lowe's, Fleet, Farm, Bass Pro, Thiessen's, and Home Depot. He was unsure about a day of 'shopping' with us, but of course, he had the best time of his life. Josh and I ended hour day with supper at Pizza Ranch with his dad, G'ma and Uncle, so it was a perfect day full of family.

Wedding #2 of the summer...Landon and Susan are married!

Josh has two employees! Which means he spends a lot of his time at home on the computer working on bids, at home pacing around the house on his phone, or at home working in the shop sharpening blades. I just like the AT HOME part. :) 

We celebrated our anniversary on June 19th with a trip to The Cafe, followed by drinks at Cafe B, and a movie in the THEATER. We never go to movies anymore!

And we kept celebrating with a weekend-trip to "our" cabin at Twin Lakes.

Kylie came to visit for church and a double-date lunch to +39...

Then I went to visit her in Omaha for a weekend filled with laketime, restaurants, and church on Sunday.

This is what our 'crew' looks like after a long day at work. Dirty, but still the most adorable lawn care crew this side of the Mississippi, I'd say.

We celebrated the 4th of July with the Boersma's and they hated me for forcing them to take this picture, but I don't even curr. Note: Which one of these things is not like the other? Jamie spent the 4th pretending to be a Boersma too. :) 

We watched fireworks on top of a parking garage in downtown Des Moines and the weather was GORGE for the whole weekend. Perfect for sitting outside drinking coffee, yet also perfect for spending the afternoon at the pool, and ending the day around the firepit in a sweatshirt. I'm having a love affair with Iowa-weather this summer.

BLC Employee of the Year gets married! And I nominated myself as personal attendant to the Mother of the Groom. You're welcome BethAnn.

Mr. and Mrs. Butcher are SUPER tall. And adorable.

The Keil Girls took a trip to Galena and loved it. We even accomplished some Christmas shopping...imagine that.

We took a trolley ride and the weather was INCREDIBLE so we spent the whole weekend walking up and down the main streets of Galena...and because it wasn't 105 (like it usually is in the Midwest in July), we looked this cute the whole time. Jamie wanted to wear athletic shorts and an ISU t-shirt but I wouldn't allow it.

Best picture from our trip! And I even got Jamie in a DRESS.

We try and visit the farm as much as possible, but it's hard in the summer when Josh is working and G'ma and G'pa have such busy social lives. We did get to spend a Sunday afternoon on the deck with them a few weeks ago.

Brecken turned five and we celebrated with a Spiderman party and the adults celebrated with wine after the children were in bed. He's going to be a big brother to a little bro coming in December and we just love his imagination and how sweet he is ALL THE TIME.

And here are the boys shooting before the birthday party. Brecken shot a couple times but was more interested in the fireworks and sparklers. 

This is a common occurrence lately and I LOVE it. Sweet corn and jalapeno hot dogs on the deck with these two fools. 

The Boersma's treated me to my first-ever Jethro's experience last Sunday after Hannah got baptized. Jill and I ordered 30 wings because it was 2:00 and we thought we were starving. We ate five each. SUCCESS! ;)


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