Monday, January 11, 2016

422 13th St: Christmas House Tour

I put this off for most of the Christmas season because I was still tweaking things and waiting until I got everything 'just right.' Of course now that Christmas is over, our house is looking its best and I'm not ready to take anything down. Plus we got some awesome throw blankets, ornaments, and other pretties for gifts so I accidentially continued decorating...even though Christmas was over two weeks ago.

For Josh and I, keeping Christmas alive well past December 25th lets us enjoy it longer, minus the craziness that most of December usually brings. Parties, events, traveling...all of that is done for the most part and we're just left to cuddle in our pretty house and play with our new toys and read our new books. :)

This post will just be a photo dump because it would get waaaay too long if I described everything going on in each picture. I do think I'll do a tutorial on how I decorated our tree this year because I'm pretty proud of how it came together after the planning I did all year. :) So here's 422 13th St. at Christmastime in all its glory...



Dining Room...

Living Room...

Guest Bedroom..

Maverick's Room...

Master Bedroom...

If you made it this far and have questions about where I found something, how I crafted something, or anything else from my little Christmas House Tour...just message me and ask! I thought about explaining each room with a lot of information, but realized very few people care about THAT much decorating detail. So seriously...if you're dying to make a hymnal wreath or you need to know where I found some of that amazing glittery ribbon...just lemme know. :)